final stretch for activists at the Niort market

final stretch for activists at the Niort market
final stretch for activists at the Niort market

“It’s short, but it’s intense!” » Time is running out before the first round of legislative elections, decided following the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron. A campaign lasting barely three weeks, into which Niort activists plunged, determined to have their candidate elected to the post of deputy for the first constituency of Deux-Sèvres.

New faces among the activists

And what better way than the Halles market, constantly crowded on weekends, to meet the locals. “We’ve been here since 9:30 a.m., people stop, chat with us a little, explains Stéphanie, support of Bastien Marchive, candidate labeled centrist. We can still see that people are worried, they don’t want to see the extremes come to power, so they tell us that they are going to vote, many by proxy. »

Saturday morning June 22, 2024, Stéphanie and around ten other activists distribute the program of the outgoing MP. He is not there, “he is on the Champdeniers market this morning, and yes, the first constituency is not just Niort! “, blurt out his sympathizers.

On the other hand, Nathalie Lanzi is there. The candidate under the banner of the New Popular Front tows in the company of left-wing activists. There are those from the very beginning, like Patricia. “I was already mobilized during the European elections, for La France insoumise. We feel that many new people want to get involved with us for this campaign, we have no shortage of hands! » Among these “new kids”, we find Morgane. “This is the first time I’ve been towing, I was a left-wing sympathizer but the results of June 9 convinced me to get involved. It’s urgent “.

The atmosphere is apparently good, but this Saturday morning, the climate can sometimes become electrified in this period of troubled political news. A lady attacks an activist who tries to remain calm but her interlocutor is closed to discussion. “There are things that are difficult to hear,” regrets Patricia, although experienced. “ We are very shocked by the comments everywhere in the media which describe us as anti-Semitic, this is not true. »

But one of the main adversaries of the various candidates, abstention, is invisible but very palpable on the market. “I no longer believe in politics, they only lie”, plague Jean, who came to buy his vegetables. Christiane did not vote in the European elections, and she will not go to the polls on June 30 and July 7 either. “I have nothing against those who campaign, but I find that politics today is too disconnected from the reality of what we are experiencing. »

One week left until the 1stis round of the legislative elections, the home stretch is launched for activists determined to occupy the field until the end.



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