A man sentenced to 12 months in prison for racist tags on a mosque and a business in Beauvais

A man sentenced to 12 months in prison for racist tags on a mosque and a business in Beauvais
A man sentenced to 12 months in prison for racist tags on a mosque and a business in Beauvais

On the evening of Christmas Eve 2023, a man wrote several racist tags on the walls of the Hamza mosque and a tobacco bar in Beauvais. He has just been sentenced by the courts to twelve months in prison.

A man was tried this Friday, June 21, 2024 for racist tags written on the walls of the Hamza mosque in Beauvais and a tobacco bar last December.

He was sentenced to 12 months in prison “including 6 months with probationary suspension for 2 years”, confirms the Beauvais public prosecutor’s office. Added to this is a deposit mandate for 6 months.

He is prohibited “to appear at the mosque and obligation of psychological care and repair of damages”, notes Frédéric Trinh, public prosecutor of Beauvais. The convict also “prohibition of possessing or carrying a weapon”.

A business has also been tagged.

© Guillaume Destombes / FTV

These racist tags were written in red during Christmas Eve, Sunday December 24, 2023, causing a stir in the region.

The mayor of Beauvais, Franck Pia, said he “shocked by such an act” that he judged “unworthy, unspeakable and contrary to our values” and brought his “support for the Muslim community of Beauvais”.

For his part, Kamal Dridi, president of the Beauvaisis Muslim Association, recalled that this mosque had existed since 1983. “It’s not just Muslims, it affected all citizens, it affected the Republic”.

Faced with the resurgence of this type of act, the French Council of Muslim Worship has called “mosques to systematically file complaints with the competent services”.



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