Blue zone / 20 / 30

Blue zone / 20 / 30
Blue zone / 20 / 30

The blue zone: room for everyone!

Operational in the city center since March 2007 and already extended twice, the blue zones aim to better regulate parking thanks to a disc system giving the possibility of parking for free for 1h30.

In 2017, Frontignan la Peyrade still remains one of the rare towns with more than 20,000 inhabitants to offer completely free parking throughout its territory. It also has a comfortable range of parking spaces close to the center with more than 2,000 spaces within a radius of 600 meters.

Without ever questioning the principle of freethe blue zone has emerged as a real solution so that everyone can access the heart of the city, do their shopping and carry out administrative procedures.

When does the blue zone apply?

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., excluding public holidays.

On Thursday morning, market day, or on event days, places in the blue zone included in the parking and driving ban areas are also affected.

How to find your way?

Signs indicate the entry and exit of the area and the need to use a disk to park. With this disc, all you have to do is park and display your arrival time (which also defines the departure time).

No ticket to collect. Please note, although most locations are marked with blue paint, not all places are marked on the ground for aesthetic and practical reasons. Refer to the plan

Free Blue Zone: Instructions for use

To do

  • When you park in a space in the blue zone, indicate your arrival time on the disc and position it visibly behind your windshield. You are quiet for 1h30.
  • If you think you will have more than 1h30, remember to park in nearby car parks.

Not to do

  • Forgetting to put your disk in the blue zone
  • Exceeding the allowed time
  • Cheating on arrival time
  • Believing that the disc protects you from sanctions when you are parked incorrectly (double file, parking prohibited, on a sidewalk, a pedestrian crossing, a reserved space…)

⚠️ Since January 1, 2018, if the time is exceeded or the disc is not present, you risk a fine of €35 ⚠️


Parking is free everywhere!

  • 558 places are regulated: 493 in the city center and 65 in the La Peyrade district, including 28 reserved for disabled people.
  • You are entitled to 1.5 hours of free parking in the city center.
  • With the disc, it’s simple, all you have to do is park and display your arrival time. No tickets to collect.
  • No more sucker cars that prevent you from parking near shops or public services.
  • The city center is more alive and breathing, access to your local shops and your public or health services is easier.
  • In the evening, on weekends and on public holidays… outside the blue zone time slots, city center residents can park wherever they want.
  • More than 2,100 free and free parking spaces near the city center where you can park all day.

Encounter area 20

As its name suggests, the meeting zone is a space shared by all users. It’s a pedestrian priority zone, open to all modes of traffic where the maximum authorized speed is strictly limited to 20km/h.

Introduced into the highway code in July 2008 to complete two existing so-called calm traffic devices, the pedestrian area and zone 30, the meeting zone must allow even more than elsewhere the coexistence of motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, people with reduced mobility, rollerbladers or scooter enthusiasts, users of motorized two-wheelers and public transport in good safety conditions.

Since April 2013, the heart of the city, otherwise called the crest, has become a meeting area.

What you need to know about the dating zone

The meeting zone is a road sharing based on the principle of prudence of the strongest (the vehicle) compared to the weakest (the pedestrian). The low speed of vehicles should also facilitate the use of bicycles and encourage the coexistence of modes of travel.

The main rules

  • Vehicle speed is limited to 20km/h
  • The meeting area is open to all modes of circulation (unless local provision)
  • Pedestrians benefit from priority over all vehicles
  • Pedestrians can travel across the entire width of the road, without parking there.
  • Cyclist traffic can be authorized in both directions, on one-way lanes, always giving priority to pedestrians
  • Parking is only authorized in spaces designated for this purpose.

Good reflexes


  • Although all vehicles have priority, remain vigilant and remember to look carefully around you.


  • Like all other vehicles, cyclists are required to give way to pedestrians, which may cause them to put their foot down
  • Do not ride on the sidewalks
  • Adapt your driving to the presence of vehicles when traveling in the opposite direction
  • Drive on the right and respect all the rules of the highway code, stops, priorities on the right, etc.
  • Preferably use free bike parking
  • Cyclists may be permitted to ride against the flow of traffic if these conditions are met. all united: you are in a zone 20validated by the sign above, and in the presence of a specific sign indicating “direction prohibited except cycles“.
    In cases where one of these indications is missing, the cyclist’s contraflow is not not allowed.


  • Give priority to pedestrians.
  • Do not park on sidewalks or on pedestrian and cycle paths.
  • Remember to look left and right when leaving your garage or parking lot. Check that no pedestrians or cyclists are approaching before opening your door.

Zone 30

Limiting the speed of motorists, but also taking into account the accessibility of people with disabilities, the path and security of pedestrians, parking and space for cyclists, these are the challenges of the zone 30 developments carried out by the City .

Considering that the speeds practiced by drivers traveling on certain lanes are high and compromise the safety of users in shared zones (pedestrians / drivers / cyclists), the perimeter of the “ Zone 30 » expanded in 2012, taking into account avenue de la Résistance, from rue de la Libération to rue du Maréchal-Leclerc.

What you need to know about zone 30

These signs indicate the start and end of zone 30. Vehicle speed is limited to 30 km/h.

Cohabitation of all street users becomes possible. Two-way traffic may be permitted for cyclists on certain one-way lanes.

Good reflexes


Stay vigilant before crossing, remember to look carefully to the left and right.


  • Give priority to pedestrians and do not travel on sidewalks. Adapt your driving to the presence of vehicles when traveling in the opposite direction.
  • Drive on the right and respect all the rules of the road: traffic lights, stop signs, priority on the right, etc.
  • Preferably use free bike parking
  • Cyclists may be permitted to ride against the flow of traffic if these conditions are met. all united: you are in a zone 30validated by the sign above, and in the presence of a specific sign indicating “direction prohibited except cycles“. In cases where one of these indications is missing, the cyclist’s contraflow is not not allowed.


  • Give priority to pedestrians. Do not park on sidewalks or on pedestrian and cycle paths.
  • Remember to look left and right when leaving your garage or parking lot. Check that no cyclists are arriving before opening your door.


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