Brawl: a teenager hit with a hammer in the street in Évry-Courcouronnes

Brawl: a teenager hit with a hammer in the street in Évry-Courcouronnes
Brawl: a teenager hit with a hammer in the street in Évry-Courcouronnes

Ultra-violent attack in the center of Évry-Courcouronnes, this Friday June 21. A 15-year-old teenager was hit with several hammer blows early in the afternoon, near the Agora terraces.

Hit along the body, the young victim was rescued in a condition considered serious. The firefighters and SMUR took care of her and then evacuated her to the Sud-Essonne hospital center (CHSE) in Corbeil. His vital prognosis is not in jeopardy.

Suspect arrested

According to the first elements brought to our attention, the municipal police of Évry, who first intervened on the scene, arrested a suspect, also a teenager. The boy was handed over to the national police and taken into custody. At the same time, the weapon that would have been used was discovered and taken away by the police.

The facts occurred between the Le Spot shopping center and the RER station, in front of numerous witnesses, on the esplanade bordering the Les Terrasses restaurant. An investigation was opened and entrusted to the Évry-Courcouronnes police station.

“The attack took place in the context of a fight between rival gangs,” a police source told us. More precisely between the Canal district, in Évry, and the young people of Ris-Orangis. A tenacious rivalry continues between the two camps. In recent months, many moments of tension have emerged around several schools where teenagers from both neighborhoods are welcomed.

Elsewhere in Essonne, several towns, sometimes from the same town, maintain violent rivalries. The protagonists use various weapons (hammer, knife, crutch, etc.) to settle their scores.



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