Football – US Alençon. The memories of Vincent Laigneau, after ten years at the club

Football – US Alençon. The memories of Vincent Laigneau, after ten years at the club
Football – US Alençon. The memories of Vincent Laigneau, after ten years at the club


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 21, 2024 at 5:04 p.m.

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Early June, Vincent Laigneau announced his departure from US Alençon. The end of a beautiful and long adventure for the coach, arriving on the Greens bench in 2014. Under his leadership, the club regained its place at the national level before becoming a recognized team in National 3, as evidenced by the second place snatched this season.

Having left for La Maladrerie (R1), to take on a new challenge, the 60-year-old technician agreed to dive into the souvenirs of his ten years in Alençon.

The strongest player you have coached?

Hakim El Hamdaoui, and from afar. It is an artist. Afterwards, there is Karim El Hamdaoui, a boss, Amaury Tessier, a striker, as well as Trésor Luntala and Tony Hiaumet, examples of work.

The most difficult thing you’ve had to drive?

It’s more of a group arriving at 6:44 p.m. for the session to begin at 6:45 p.m.

The one that brought you the most satisfaction, that surprised you the most?

My beginning of the adventure with Luntala, Juin, Khadrejnane, Couillard, Tessier and then Perrot, Hiaumet, the twins, Camara, Diarra, Iland, Bisson, Ralu, Angatahi and Mengeard. This group, from 2014 to 2017, built the climb to N3. Then, that of the N3 which faced Le Havre. This feat knocked my socks off. An extraordinary match. A very good team from Alençon which had already had good seasons in N3.

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The opponent (player) that you didn’t like to face?

Florian Levasseur from Dieppe. He was powerful defensively, a leader of men and a free-kick taker. Dieppe has always been a nightmare (Alençon has never beaten Dieppe since its accession to N3, editor’s note).

The team, not necessarily the best, which gave you the most satisfaction?

The group of the rise in 2016-2017.

The opponent (team) you encountered and who left the best impression on you?

Vire, last year, during their climb. The team was complete in all lines.

The recruitment that you did and that you would never do again?

Players who come from far away, accompanied by an agent, and who do not identify with the club and the city…

The meeting you enjoyed the most?

Nicolas Bansard, from afar. He is a little-known person with an incredible capacity for work and a very strong human background, worth seeking out.

And the one you hated the most?

I never hate humans. I don’t understand the lack of respect and listening.

The moment you felt most ridiculous or alone on the bench?

The first match of the season, three or four years ago, against Saint-Lô. I had set up a 3-5-2 which had worked in preparation. And there, I was a little ashamed, we were getting water everywhere… We lost 5-2.

And conversely the strongest?

Our very important match for maintaining last season. The ranking was tight and, in Grand-Quevilly, I didn’t let go of the match. We won 2 to 0.

The most eccentric moment?

Nonsense in Dives in DH (Regional 1). We were leading by the score (1-0), the match was stopped due to a storm and did not resume. Or the match after Pontivy, against B du Havre. We were leading 2 to 1, the referee stopped the match for a bit of fog. My players were scattered in the locker room, on the field, in the clubhouse… We started again, there was little time left, we were elsewhere, and they equalized.

The biggest anger?

There have been a lot in nine seasons. I don’t have one in mind but the walls have often shaken (laughs).

Biggest laugh?

Often on the bench with Dimitri (Hubert, his deputy, editor’s note), a top joker or mocker. But I won’t say from whom.

The thing you would have liked to see or do in Alençon that never happened?

A 32nd in the Coupe de France or a move up to N2. The road is mapped out, Arnaud Cormier will bring his tools to succeed.

One last anecdote?

Rather a pride to have known locker rooms and really nice guys. And, also, to have spent five years with a player, who was not initially the expected player, but who, over the years, asserted himself in the team, the club, respecting the men and giving the maximum by having fun with teammates, managers, volunteers, and respecting your coach. Thank you Nathan (Laigneau, his son, defender of US Alençon from 2019 and 2024, editor’s note).

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