Candidates for the 2024 legislative elections for each Loire constituency

Candidates for the 2024 legislative elections for each Loire constituency
Candidates for the 2024 legislative elections for each Loire constituency

To be eligible for the legislative elections, you must be at least 18 years old, be a voter and not be subject to electoral incapacity or ineligibility listed in the law. Once the applications have been submitted, the services of the Loire prefecture ensure that each declaration complies with the conditions of the electoral code and that the candidates are eligible.

Find the candidates in your constituency and, on June 30 from 8 p.m., the results of the first round of the legislative elections at Paris, Lyon, Marseille and throughout France.

To submit their file to the prefecture, the deadline for candidates was June 16, 2024 at 6 p.m. sharp. The Ministry of the Interior proceeded with the official publication of these applications on June 18, 2024, after examination and validation by decree, for the 6 constituencies of the Loire department.

The Loire department includes 672 polling stations, divided into 6 legislative constituencies. In total, 37 candidates have submitted a candidacy file and 517,926 citizens are registered on the electoral lists.

1st district of the Loire

Find the 6 candidates, which concern the following cities in particular: Firminy, Saint-Chamond and Saint-Étienne. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Quentin Bataillon.

  • Mr. Xavier Kemlin (Various right)
  • Mr. Romain Brossard (Far left)
  • Mr. François Chord (Various right)
  • Ms. Marie Simon (National Rally)
  • Mr. Quentin Bataillon (Together!)
  • Mr. Pierrick Courbon (New Popular Front)

2nd constituency of the Loire

Find the 7 candidates, which concern the following towns in particular: Saint-Chamond, Saint-Étienne and Roche-la-Molière. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Andrée Taurinya.

  • Mr. Hervé Breuil (National Rally)
  • M. Martial Mossmann (Divers centre)
  • Ms Sophie Dieterich (Far left)
  • Mr. Eric Le Jaouen (Union of Democrats and Independents)
  • Mr. Quentin Fontvieille (Various centers)
  • Ms. Andrée Taurinya (New Popular Front)
  • Ms. Nathalie Douspis (Ecologists)

3rd district of the Loire

Find the 5 candidates, which concern the following towns in particular: Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, Saint-Chamond and Saint-Étienne. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Emmanuel Mandon.

  • Mr. Emmanuel Mandon (Together!)
  • Ms. Angelina La Marca (National Rally)
  • Mr. Vincent Bony (New Popular Front)
  • Mr. Rachid Daoud (Various left)
  • Ms. Pauline Husseini (Far Left)

4th district of the Loire

Find the 4 candidates, which concern the following cities in particular: Firminy, Saint-Étienne and Montbrison. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Sylvie Bonnet.

  • Ms. Sylvie Bonnet (Les Républicains)
  • Mr. Bernard Paemelaere (New Popular Front)
  • Mr. Gerbert Rambaud (National Rally)
  • Ms. Nora Ibbari (Far Left)

5th district of the Loire

Find the 7 candidates, which concern the following cities in particular: Roanne, Mably and Riorges. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Antoine Vermorel-Marques.

  • Mme Florence Nayme (Ecologistes)
  • Ms. Edith Roche (Far left)
  • Ms Sandrine Granger (National Rally)
  • Mr. Ismaël Stevenson (New Popular Front)
  • Mr. Antoine Vermorel-Marques (Les Républicains)
  • Mr. Robert Lachaud (Reconquest!)
  • Mr. Yann Esteveny (Far right)

6th district of the Loire

Find the 8 candidates, which concern the following towns in particular: Andrézieux-Bouthéon, Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert and Montbrison. As a reminder, the outgoing MP is Jean-Pierre Taite.

  • Mr. Norbert Trichard (Far left)
  • Mr. Jean-Pierre Taite (Les Républicains)
  • M. Alexandre Silva (Divers centre)
  • Mme Sandra Haury (Ecologists)
  • Mr. Grégoire Granger (National Rally)
  • Mr. Yves Petiot (Far left)
  • Ms. Marie-Paule Olive (New Popular Front)
  • Mr. Yvan Guy-Mercier (Reconquest!)


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