Montauban. The verdict for the “Raquettes de La Dépêche”

Montauban. The verdict for the “Raquettes de La Dépêche”
Montauban. The verdict for the “Raquettes de La Dépêche”

The Montalban leg of the “Raquettes de La Dépêche” circuit, which began on May 26, ended a few years ago at the ATM (Montauban Tennis Association), with the award ceremony for all categories. The men’s final between Rengel Thomas (Saint-Estève) and Pernas Thiago (Agen) was unfortunately cut short by the latter’s injury. Weather-wise, the threatening rain of this last day only finally made its appearance at the end of the afternoon, precisely just after the presentation of the cups and gifts. Subsequently, the various sports players, supporters and friends were able to continue to rehash the memories stored during this open tournament around a friendly drink and in a relaxed family atmosphere. President Michel Orliac did not fail to warmly thank the indispensable and essential referee Bruno Garcia, the hostesses, and the volunteers who worked hard for this tournament.

The results. Clara Bot (Colomiers) won against Eva Formeron (Stade Toulousain), while among the men, the victory went to Yhomas Rengel (Saint-Estève), against Thiago Pernas (Agen). Among the over 35s, the Omeps trophy goes to Emmanuelle Jorigné (ATM), against Marie Maybon (ATM) for the women, while for the men the cup goes to Paul Birkholz (ATM) ahead of Guillaume Granier (Montbartier Abs) . As for the 4th series, the Groupama Cup for Caroline Tolou (Saint-Etienne), against Camille Muel (ATM) for the women, and for the men Étienne Valette (Montbeton) wins against Émile Bonnaire (Montech).



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