Montauban. Departure from the CGT: “cinema” for Ms. Barèges

Montauban. Departure from the CGT: “cinema” for Ms. Barèges
Montauban. Departure from the CGT: “cinema” for Ms. Barèges

The CGT departmental union therefore left its premises at 17 rue d’Albert, in the Villenouvelle district of Montauban, to settle, normally, in a residential house transformed into union premises at 125 rue du Ramierou.

During this departure, the union representatives were keen to speak out to denounce the behavior of the town hall which had taken legal action to evict the union from the premises it occupied after having been removed from the Maison du Peuple. “It is not surprising that Ms. Barèges leads a far-right policy and who assumes it by making a pact with the National Rally,” railed Christophe Couderc, the departmental secretary of the UD-CGT.

“The CGT paid nothing”

Asked before the publication of the article, Brigitte Barèges was only able to speak after it. She wishes to recall that “the municipality has no obligation to accommodate the CGT. It already paid nothing when it was at the Maison du Peuple and, when it was expelled, it was the only organization of the four ( FO, CDFT and Unsa) with whom we had problems”, indicates the councilor.

Recalling, as her chief of staff indicated, that “we have won all appeals before the courts”, the first magistrate denounces “rude cinema as always. It is purely electoral. The CGT has always refused to sign an agreement occupation of rue d’Albert We were very patient while the court decisions required them to leave the premises in April 2023. I learned on social networks that she was finally leaving the premises on June 19. “, concludes Brigitte Barèges.



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