Pride march: meet Saturday June 29 in Biarritz

Pride march: meet Saturday June 29 in Biarritz
Pride march: meet Saturday June 29 in Biarritz

Fight against all discrimination

Unsa, uncompromising on its values, is proud of its unwavering commitment to equality between women and men, and of its attachment to the fundamental principle of secularism.

Unsa fights resolutely against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. It fights all discrimination and acts against harassment, violence at work, sexism and LGBTphobia. If this commitment is daily, the dates of the various pride marches are additional opportunities to reaffirm it in a festive way!

Act on a daily basis with Unsa Education

Even if the situation has greatly improved for LGBTQIA+ people thanks to changes in legislation and the actions of associations, uninhibited LGBTphobia unfortunately persists in France. Unsa offers training and awareness-raising activities to its activists on the theme of discrimination and harassment in order to change everyone’s outlook, particularly on LGBTQIA+ issues.

Unsa accompanies and supports victims during discrimination in hiring, in the professional context or in cases of violence and harassment, for example. Laws exist to protect employees: sexual orientation and gender identity are among the discrimination criteria retained by the law, and constitute aggravating circumstances for insults and physical or verbal violence.

Unsa Education also provides resources at your disposal to understand LGBTQIA+ issues and prevent LGBTphobia, to find by clicking on this link.

Claiming fundamental rights

Unsa campaigns for an inclusive world of work, and demands in particular:

  • The right to live one’s sexuality and to be able to freely express one’s gender, particularly at work;
  • The ban on conversion therapy worldwide, as voted in France in 2022;
  • Respect for the fundamental rights of trans people and the simplification of procedures for changing civil status;
  • The establishment of inclusive working frameworks, allowing everyone to obtain the same rights, particularly regarding families in terms of leave or childcare;
  • Stronger public policies against prejudice, violence and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people.

Meet for the BIARRITZ Pride March

Saturday June 29 – Lighthouse Esplanade

12h : village des associations

4 p.m.: pride march



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