The porpoises of the 1st RIMa armed for the Angoulême Music Festival

The porpoises of the 1st RIMa armed for the Angoulême Music Festival
The porpoises of the 1st RIMa armed for the Angoulême Music Festival

In the former corps commander’s dining room, facing the paintings recalling the external operations of the 1st RIMa, electric guitars and percussion have carved out a special place for themselves. “We got €7,000 to buy the equipment,” rejoices Sergeant Alexandre, guitarist, singer and leader of the group. This Tuesday noon, there are three of them sending out a rock which goes well through the stones of this room with its white and blue walls. Heads have changed a little since October. Bassist Renaud gave up his guitar due to lack of time. The guitarist, Paul, from the 3rd RIMa, is now almost 4 hours away, in Vannes. Corporal Antoine, Lieutenant Théo and the porpoise Anthony, who arrived in Angoulême six months ago, joined the group.

The Strasbourgeoise rock version

For these rehearsals, Lieutenant Théo is missing. He is in external training and will not return until Thursday evening. “It’s our daily life. With our busy schedules, our travels, sometimes night work, it’s very complicated to be together,” says Sergeant Alexandre, whose mother and wife are music education teachers. “We try to eat quickly at lunchtime to have time to rehearse. »

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Around ten pieces are ready. The anthem of the 1st RIMa obviously, some revisited classics and military songs. The rock version of Strasbourg, headlining. A military framework imposes rules. “We revisit, but we can’t afford to do anything. » At town hall, the artists will be dressed in period and military costumes.

The group manages to rehearse at lunchtime.

Quentin Petit

When joining the army, none of them thought they would find microphones and instruments. “We’re not committing to that,” smile the musicians. “But these are two environments that are not that far apart. We sing regularly, whether in ceremonies or during festive moments. I started singing in the army,” explains Master Corporal Rémi, behind his drums.

We try to eat quickly at lunch to rehearse.

The editorial team advises you

The collective will not stop after that. “Since our return, several communities have contacted us. We had to refuse the village festival in Saint-Michel due to lack of time. We will have other proposals. » On June 26, they will play for the first time for the barracks during the Bir Hakeim celebrations. During the summer, they will shoot the clip for the revisitation of the anthem of the 1st RIMa which they recorded at La Nef, in mid-May. But like good soldiers, they ensure it. “We don’t want to be stars. We do this for the regiment. »

(1) The concert will start at 8 p.m. It will last 45 minutes.

Two itineraries to enjoy the Festival

From rock to hip-hop, from jazz to electro or even military songs to bachata, CL offers you two routes to make the most of the 70 artists ready to make the city dance.
First itinerary for eclectic ears: meet at Place de la Bussatte, Place Saint-Martial and Place Marengo from 6 p.m. to midnight for their variety of styles, from African music to classical music to electro storytellers Les Chamanes Plastiques. Then head to the courtyard of the Town Hall for military music and bachata from 7 p.m. to midnight, then Place du Minage to listen to jazz from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and finally, stop at the Jardin Vert with the La Baraka association for the electro sounds of Sosu Inn and the vinyl mix of Mix Mathieu Terrade.
Second itinerary for electro lovers: start of the route on rue Friedland in the museum courtyard with L’enfant Sauvage, before letting yourself be enchanted by the musical diversity of the Vespa Club on Place Saint-André at 8 p.m. Head to Place du Palet and Place du Champ-de-Mars to dance before moving away from the city center and heading towards Le Vin d’Orge, rue de Bordeaux, which hosts underground techno acoustics. Hurry up to La Déché which hosts an electro mix from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. before finishing at the Bivouak tavern on the island of Bourgine with La Ferveur from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Small bonus, for the more traditional, the Place des Halles will be very lively: the group The rocking pop and a DJ Set will set the mood from 6 p.m. to 1:45 a.m. Complete program on the City website.

How to get around the center?

From this Thursday, from 10 p.m., it will no longer be possible to park on the surface in the city center. The area will also be closed to motorized traffic on Friday from 5:30 p.m. until 3 a.m. For car parks, only Bouillaud is impacted. It will no longer be possible to enter after 6 p.m. The bus lines are also changed.



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