Cheaper than ever chalets for rent in Estrie in summer 2024?

Cheaper than ever chalets for rent in Estrie in summer 2024?
Cheaper than ever chalets for rent in Estrie in summer 2024?

By searching on different chalet rental platforms in Estrie, at least forty properties are still available if you wanted, for example, to book for one of the construction weeks – a period which is normally very busy in the region. These properties are normally no longer accessible at this time of year.

“It’s the first time in my life that I’ve seen a summer that’s going to be booked if at the last minute,” Dany Papineau, founder of the WeChalet platform. “There are people who plan this sometimes a year in advance…”

“It is still possible to book for the construction weeks. I think there’s more inventory available than ever.”

– Dany Papineau, founder of the WeChalet platform

Gabriel Clavet, rental chalet manager, explains this phenomenon in part due to the local attraction for vacation destinations during the pandemic period. “There, maybe people want to go to the United States or travel elsewhere.”

This trend could also have an impact on asking prices. We could see discounts as time goes on, according to Dany Papineau. “In my opinion, there could be good offers on the market this summer because of this situation.”

And “we won’t hide it, trips to Europe or the South are almost the same price,” notes Gabriel Clavet. “Four or five people, it’s not a lot with cleaning costs and everything, it doesn’t amount to a lot of money for the profitability of the rental chalet or a condo.”

We will have to wait until the end of the summer season to know if the chalets in Estrie were a success or not this year.



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