Saint-Gabriel students on the tatami

Saint-Gabriel students on the tatami
Saint-Gabriel students on the tatami

It is within the framework of the operation 1.000 dojos that the Saint Gabriel school complex inaugurated its own. As its name indicates, this system, financed by the National Sports Agency, the Ministry of Sport and the French Judo Federation, aims to establish a thousand gyms throughout the country by the end of 2026. Initiated in 2022, it has already enabled the rehabilitation and fitting out of more than 300 rooms, and this figure should reach 400 by the end of the year. The Saint Gabriel dojo is the first to be delivered to Vienne.

Soon a new dojo in Dange

The next one, in Dangé-Saint-Romain, is currently under construction. The objective of this operation is to install sports facilities on a human scale and locally in order to bring sports practice closer to residents. But it is also intended to help the development of the clubs concerned, a boon for the promising judo section of Saint-Gabriel, created in September 2020. It will also be possible to open extracurricular slots, but also to share premises with other sports structures to facilitate their implementation. For Damien Lebourg, project manager at the FFJ, “the champions do not only grow at INSEP or in the French team, but also in the territory where the fertilizer is fertile. » As for Jean-Pierre Abelin, he remembered “this little girl who at the time we supported and helped, a certain Marie-Claire Restoux…” This little girl who became world judo champion in 95 and 97 and Olympic champion in 1996 in Atlanta! A career that we wish for all the judokas who will attend this brand new dojo.



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