Tarn: numerous interventions by firefighters after stormy rains

Tarn: numerous interventions by firefighters after stormy rains
Tarn: numerous interventions by firefighters after stormy rains

Placed on yellow alert on Wednesday June 19, the Tarn did not escape the violent storms and heavy rain at the start of the night. In Albigeois, Gaillac, Center du Tarn and Lauragais, the accumulation of rain was significant, leading to interventions by firefighters.

Forecasters had predicted strong storms coming from Spain for the evening of Wednesday June 19. The weather models proved correct and the Tarn was hit in several places by storm cells under which heavy rains were triggered. Yesterday evening, around 10 p.m., several weather sites announced the arrival of this line of storms which presented a strong risk of stationary storms and even hail.

Heavy rain and flooding of premises

The storms affected a large part of the department, starting with Lauragais. In Revel, heavy amounts of rain were recorded in less than an hour. Then it was the center of the department, Gaillacois and Albigeois which were affected by this line of storm which was evacuated through Carmausin where the rains were heavy.

This Thursday, June 20 in the morning, the Tarn departmental fire and rescue service took stock, with 18 interventions which mobilized firefighters from the rescue centers of Albi, Dourgne, Gaillac, Rabastens, Réalmont, Sorèze, Saint -Sulpice and Salvagnac, mainly for flooding of premises, due to the rains which affected these sectors. A few hailstorms were observed and mudslides occurred due to runoff in steep valleys or fields.

Still a risk of thunderstorms, Thursday

“Today, new locally stormy showers began around the Massif-Central during the morning, continuing until the following night with various more or less organized bursts” Météo-France details in its vigilance bulletin. “The rainy activity is well marked with locally high rainy intensities expected”which explains why the Tarn remains on yellow alert for the next few hours.

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