In Camaret-sur-Mer, the Rambert couple take over the fishmonger La pêche bretonne, quai Kléber

In Camaret-sur-Mer, the Rambert couple take over the fishmonger La pêche bretonne, quai Kléber
In Camaret-sur-Mer, the Rambert couple take over the fishmonger La pêche bretonne, quai Kléber

Gaëtan and Céline Rambert have just taken over the fishmonger La pêche bretonne at 12, quai Kléber, in Camaret-sur-Mer (Finistère). With this family project, the couple was keen to establish themselves in a local business.

Gaëtan Rambert tells the story of the origin of this project: My grandparents were fishmongers in Côtes-d’Armor. I am a fan of amateur fishing. At 20, I took a seasonal job at the Leclerc fishmonger in Crozon and after several internal training courses, I ended up as a department manager.

Read also: Camaret-sur-Mer. A look back at the epic of shipbuilding and fishing at the Vauban Tower

Today, the Rambert couple is looking for another experience: “I currently want to have more contact with customers, explains Gaëtan Rambert. Céline will work in the boutique year-round and we have hired a Camarétoise for the season.

Products from local fishing and Cornouaille auctions

The couple and their three children want to settle in Camaret. The business will offer products from local fishing and the Cornouaille auctions, shellfish from the Henry fishponds, Rostellec oysters, skewers and ready-to-cook stir-fries. Shellfish can be cooked on site on request and without reservation. For seafood platters, it is best to order the day before by calling tel. 02 98 27 87 77.

Open every day, from 8:30 a.m. except Monday, Sunday morning in season, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.



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