Music festival in Niort: the concert program

Music festival in Niort: the concert program
Music festival in Niort: the concert program

The Music Festival, the one officially listed by the City of Niort, will take place on Friday June 21, 2024 between 6 p.m. and midnight. Here is some information to know before heading to the city center.

In the city center, rue Victor-Hugo or Place du Pilori for example, the atmosphere will be more rock, or jazz, with groups like The Deck Chairs (7:45 p.m.-8:30 p.m.) or Jazz mic mac (7:30 p.m. -8:30 p.m.).

The green theater will host dance and capoeira performances, followed in the evening by a rock concert (Ame Gee). Rue Baugier, several styles will take place from 6:30 p.m. to midnight.

Big piece at the Brèche

Towards the halls, between rue Basse, rue Brisson and the town hall, numerous concerts in varied styles will complement each other. Note the Vocame choir, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville (7 p.m.-9 p.m.) or an electro and rap DJ evening at Place du Donjon, until midnight. Other performances will take place on rue du Rabot, place du Temple or at the exit of the Passage du Commerce.

Finally, Place la Brèche will also be used, from the upper esplanade (towards the cinema, with a collective of young rappers from 6 p.m.) to the Esplanade de la République, downstairs, with groups like DUO (rock, 7:30 p.m.) and K’dance 79 (country, 9 p.m.). In the middle of the concerts, numerous and varied dance performances will take place.

Elsewhere, musical entertainment will take place, notably Place Jacques-Cartier (Tour-Chabot), with a DJ from 6 p.m. The Magic flonflon, in Port-Boinot, will notably welcome Yarol Poupaud (guitarist of Johnny Halliday) and his brother Melvil, from 8 p.m.

Restrictions de circulation

To ensure the evening goes smoothly, the city center will be affected by restrictions, or even traffic bans, from 4 p.m. until midnight. More information on the site



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