Friends of the Fau church offer a musical evening – Le Petit Journal

Friends of the Fau church offer a musical evening – Le Petit Journal
Friends of the Fau church offer a musical evening – Le Petit Journal

“Church Night” is a national event in which several hundred churches have participated each year since 2011. During an artistic or cultural event, the public is invited to discover the riches of its local heritage.
A church that surprises the visitor. The small church of Fau contains a unique artistic wealth in our department with the works of two regional artists, Pierre Saint-Paul and Raymond Clercq-Roques. In 1954, these two artists created an imposing modern-style fresco that occupies the entire bedside and eight stained glass windows using cathedral glass cast in a concrete frame. Superb testimonies of the revival of sacred art which manifested itself in our churches after the Second World War.
An evening of music and singing It is in this context that the association “Les amis de l’église du Fau” is offering a free musical evening on Saturday June 29 at 8:30 p.m. In the first part, an orchestra of young musicians will perform six legendary works. In the second part, the polyfonia ensemble from Montpezat-de-Quercy will present its repertoire of secular songs and sacred songs from the Renaissance. Some treats will be offered at the end of the evening. For any information: 06 31 38 43 20 – 05 63 67 81 70

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