Romain has suffered the cries of his neighbor since May 2023

Romain has suffered the cries of his neighbor since May 2023
Romain has suffered the cries of his neighbor since May 2023

Arriving in his Chaumont Habitat accommodation in May 2023, Romain A. hardly sleeps anymore because of the neighbor upstairs. Screams, door slamming, pipe noise, the young thirty-year-old improvises as an orchestral musician.

Neighborhood problems seem to be haunting Romain A. Victim of harassment for two years by a neighbor in Liffol-le-Grand in the Vosges, the young man is experiencing new neighborhood difficulties. This time in Chaumont. “I arrived at the apartment (rue Fleming) that Chaumont Habitat allocated to me on May 22, 2023. From the first night, I heard screams worthy of a horror film coming from my neighbor upstairs. floor above. I thought it was an attack. Then, I heard screams,” says Romain A.

Not wanting to cry wolf unnecessarily, the new tenant decided to let two or three days pass before reporting the facts. “This type of behavior is nothing new, according to other tenants. My predecessor left for this reason. When I applied for accommodation at Chaumont habitat, I asked for accommodation where there were never any neighborhood problems. This young man in his thirties is normal in appearance. Several times I told him kindly that he needed to stop his actions. They said he was going to do it, but as soon as he got home, his promises were gone.”

Horror movie screams every night

The young resident adds: “the actions never stopped. The banging on the wall added to the screams. This lasts every night from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. He slams the doors. He throws his garbage out his window and even his gas stove. He insults his neighbors. He knocks over furniture and hits pipes.” A real orchestra in itself.

Romain A. wakes up every hour. As the situation became untenable, he decided to circulate a petition from June 15, 2023. “In total, I obtained 15 signatures. Subsequently, I called Chaumont habitat to report the actions of my neighbor who was preventing me from sleeping while I was training. But nothing was done. I contacted a mediator from Chaumont Habitat. I only got short answers from him. Then nothing “. He continues: “on August 10, 2023, I sent a file consisting of certificates. I requested the intervention of a justice conciliator. I had an appointment on August 17, 2023 with the community social worker.”

Subsequently, Romain had a meeting with the conciliator on September 13, 2023. Once again, he described the actions of his neighbor. He also provided certificates from his neighbors along with their identity cards. “A legal agreement was concluded with the Chaumont habitat mediator and the conciliator. On this request, it was specified that the social landlord must have the tenant in question leave within two or three months. He either had to be relocated or evicted. Since then, nothing has been done.” A decision which was not implemented, according to him.

A mediator from Chaumont Habitat who turns a deaf ear

Complaining again to the Chaumont Habitat mediator, these messages will remain a dead letter. “Despite my reminders to Chaumont Habitat, the neighbor continues his mess. Since then, the tenant has not responded to phone calls or visits. »

Romain A. adds: “seeing my psychological state deteriorating, my trainer called the social landlord. During her phone call, she learned that my neighbor suffered from psychiatric disorders. He didn’t seem to be followed. If these disorders are recognized, he will be protected by law. The mediator said the case had been transferred to court. A month later, I have not received an email from the prosecution.”

His last step was an appeal to the criminal mediator. “I hope that Chaumont Habitat will honor its promises. If the lessor does not do so, I ask to change accommodation at his expense,” concludes Romain A. When requested, Chaumont Habitat did not respond to our requests.




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