Les Poinchevaux in concert at the Tanière d’Héloup, near Alençon

Les Poinchevaux in concert at the Tanière d’Héloup, near Alençon
Les Poinchevaux in concert at the Tanière d’Héloup, near Alençon


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 3:03 p.m.

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For his 75 ans, Christian Poincheval took on the challenge, with his wife Évelyne, of performing during 75 concerts. The tenth will be held, Friday June 28, 2024at 8:30 p.m., at the community bar The den has Hélouplocated near Alençon (Orne).

The Poinchevaux style

From Tuesday May 21 and until Wednesday May 21, 2025, the Poinchevaux travel the roads of France for their crazy project. “It’s an achievement to do concerts and the road at this age! »

For them, retirement does not mean stepping back.

Being old means having even more things to say to others, we are young people of 75 years!

Christian Poincheval

Of the Mayenne to Ardèche Passing by Bordeaux or Paristhe duo offers themselves a second youth with continuous travels.

Videos: currently on -

Songwriters, Christian is on guitar, while Évelyne takes care of the vocals. “We don’t stick to a particular style. It’s the Poinchevaux style! », They specify.

Moments of sharing

The duo now has around a hundred songs in their repertoire. “We write our texts as we go. We talk a lot about traveling and gypsy lifestyle ».

The tour is made up of private concerts. Their fans contact them, for concerts in shows, or with associations likethe La Tanière bar. “It’s going as we wanted. That is to say, in joy, happiness and conviviality. At one time, we were called the Tribe. We filmed with artisans, and a cook made soup for those who remained. It had an impact on people,” says Christian.

This is how human relationships were created beyond the concerts.

People who used to come to our concerts now come to see us with their grandchildren. They are concerned about our evolution, our history. They ask us for news of our two children who accompanied us to the concerts at the time.

Christian Poincheval

It is these moments of sharing that animate the Poinchevaux, “ a dynamic of life ».

50 years of music

Christian started music in the Parisian metro and cabarets. Évelyne, for her part, did some theater. After leaving their jobs, they moved to Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei with three other couples to make and live music.

“We have a certain approach to the show. For example, when we perform at an exhibition, it leads to discussions with other artists,” explains Christian.

“At our concerts, we see people crying, other people laughing. We feel that there is a desire to experience pleasant moments, to rediscover this human side,” continues the singer who appreciates the fact that his lyrics do not leave one indifferent.

And after50 years of concertsthe septuagenarian still manages to be surprised by his success. “We have never sold so many vinyl records!”

Poinchevaux concert. Friday June 28 at 8:30 p.m. Opening at 6:30 p.m. at the association bar La Tanière, 2 route de Saint-Germain-du-Corbéis 61250 Héloup.

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