300 personalities from the left, culture and associations launch an appeal to stand up to the far right

300 personalities from the left, culture and associations launch an appeal to stand up to the far right
300 personalities from the left, culture and associations launch an appeal to stand up to the far right

Some trade unionists and association leaders have also joined this call “to stand together in the Landes”, such as Mélanie Martin (president of the Modef des Landes), Roland Ramis (president of the Landes federation of the Human Rights League), Régis Vanackere (president of Laïcité 40), Nicolas Fayemendy (co-secretary of the FSU des Landes), Flavien Thomas (co-secretary of the FSU des Landes) and Christophe Nowaczeck (departmental secretary of Unsa Education des Landes). Former minister Alain Vidalies also signed.

The first 300 signatories

Jean-Pierre Lemoine (president of the Pupilles de l’enseignement public des Landes), Viviane Loumé-Seixo (president of the Francas des Landes), Mélanie Martin (President of the Modef des Landes), Roland Ramis (president of the federation of Landes de la Human Rights League), Régis Vanackere (president of Laïcité 40), Nicolas Fayemendy (co-secretary of the FSU des Landes), Flavien Thomas (co-secretary of the FSU des Landes), Christophe Nowaczeck (departmental secretary of Unsa Education des Landes), Maurice Testemale (president of the Outdoor Youth Committee), Alain Vidalies (president of Landes Partage, former minister), Lydie Salvayre (author), Memona Hintermann (author), Philippe Lescarret (DDEN, secretary general of ADATEEP des Landes), Richard Marsan (co-president of the Association of Friends of Henri Emmanuelli), Karine Comet (co-president of the Association of Friends of Henri Emmanuelli), Joël Liagre (president of the Latitude Productions association) , Bernard Barrieu (president Sac de billes, Café Boissec), Antoine Terrier (vice-president Université populaire), Christophe Mesplède (president of the Lou Carriou circle), Éric Labaste (president of Alpad), Jean-Michel Campistron (president of the association Au Cœur des vins), Orçun Deniz (president of the Smalah association and graphic designer), Alain Gaston (president of the Association Sauvegarde Éducative Landes Asael), Ghislaine Caillaud (president of Secours populaire Aire-sur-l’ Adour), Arlette Tapiau (president of the Education League 40), Virginie Pantanella (co-president FCPE 40), Marie Lahitète (co-president FCPE 40, president AFL Chalosse Tursan, president of Family Planning 40), François Garrain (president of the festival Musicalarue), Yohan Guérin (co-president of the French Adapted Circus Association), Jean-Louis Cabanacq (president of the Amac/CaféMusic’ association), Élise Coulon (musician), David Sahnès (director), Géraldine Coulon ( cultural operator), Bernard Wallet (editor), Sophie Goeffrion (philosopher), Danielle Justes (public art artist), Serge Airoldi (writer), Marie-Laure Bernadac (honorary general curator), Laurence Niedzwiecki (actress), Lionel Niedzwiecki (director of the Arte flamenco festival), Antoine Reipert (administrator of the Arte flamenco festival), Olivier Suaud (actor), Fabien Boeuf (artisan, musician), Aurélia Bartolomé (actress, director), Yannick Fichant (actor), Évelyne Moser (musician), Maud Landau (actress), Olivier Deck (writer, photographer), Hugo Raffini (president of association), Nicole Manciet (social cultural actor), Jean Moquel (social cultural actor), Jean-Pierre Sescosse (president of L’Avoir), Catherine Dugrand-Vignes (association manager), Didier Przygoda (association manager), Joëlle Duparc (creator and association manager), Éric Ducos (association manager and former elected official), Jean Dangoumau (Entracte administrator), Christophe Lafitte (president of Pays d’Orthe Main Nue), Christian Intsaby (co-president of the Secular Association of Hagetmau), Sylvain Lapique (co-president of the Secular Association of Hagetmau), Jacques Dassie (president of the socio-educational association of Mimizan), Jean-Mario Bourille (president Acap), Ananda Barry Gandhi (vice-president Association Célestine), Raphaël Marrocq (vice-president PLF MUSIC), Dominique Duvignac (president Les Amis de Bouricos), Jean-Pierre Lagréoule (president ASA DFCI), Jean Vergez (President of the BAM in Mimizan), Nadine Mena (president of the retirees’ club), Sébastien Maze (president of association), Régine Campistron (secretary of the Au Cœur des vins association), Mathilde Brenot (co-president of the French Adapted Circus Association), Josette Hamon (president of the Secular Family Association), Fabienne Costarramone (president of Spasiba child of Ukraine), Laetitia Robert (co-president of Asso’Circulaires), Barbara Suaud (co-president of Asso’ Circulars), Jean Dufau (president of Escale à Castandet and Secretary CDAFAL & JPA), Patxi Grenade (president of Peyrehorade football), Patrick Baillard (president of Cœur et pieds au chaud), Christine Lanusse (president Mediabelus), Monique Lubin (senator of Landes), Éric Kerrouche (senator of Landes), Boris Vallaud (deputy of Landes), Xavier Fortinon (president of the Departmental Council of Landes), Éric Sargiacomo (European deputy), Marie-Laure Lafargue (regional councilor of Nouvelle -Aquitaine), Serge Sore (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Sophie Weber (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Maryline Beyris (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Frédérique Charpenel (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Julien Bazus (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Renaud Lagrave (regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Pierre Froustey (President of Macs), Agathe Bourretère (departmental councilor of Landes), Olivier Martinez (departmental councilor of Landes), Muriel Lagorce (counselor departmental councilor of Landes), Christine Fournadet (departmental councilor of Landes), Didier Gaugeacq (departmental councilor of Landes), Sylvie Péducasse (departmental councilor of Landes), Henri Bedat (departmental councilor of Landes), Magali Valiorgue (departmental councilor of Landes), Dominique Coutière (departmental councilor of Landes), Sandra Tollis (departmental councilor of Landes), Cyril Gayssot (departmental councilor of Landes), Salima Sensou (departmental councilor of Landes), Frédéric Durtin (departmental councilor of Landes), Patricia Beaumont (departmental councilor of Landes) of Landes), Julien Paris (departmental councilor of Landes), Damien Delavoie (departmental councilor of Landes), Rachel Durquetty (departmental councilor of Landes), Dominique Degos (departmental councilor of Landes), Paul Carrère (departmental councilor of Landes), Sylvie Bergeroo (departmental councilor of Landes), Éva Belin (departmental councilor of Landes), Jean-Marc Lespade (departmental councilor of Landes), Gabriel Bellocq (departmental councilor and honorary mayor of Dax), Christine Brettes (mayor of Mugron), Régis Gelez (mayor of Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse), Thierry Laborde (mayor of Donzacq), Christian Ducos (mayor of Souprosse), Frédéric Pomarez (mayor of Mimizan), Henri-Jean Thébault (mayor of Pontenx-les-Forges), Jean-Richard Saint Jours (mayor of Aureilhan), Éliane Pujos (mayor of Saint-Paul-en-Born), Gilles Ferdani (mayor of Mézos), Élisabeth Etcheverria (mayor of Bias), Christine Cassagne (municipal councilor of Mimizan) , Marie-France Delect (deputy mayor of Mimizan), Yves Serveto (deputy mayor of Mimizan), Daniel Pujos (Deputy Mayor of Mimizan), Annabel Olhasque (deputy mayor of Mimizan), Gilbert Badet (delegated councilor of Mimizan ), Michelle Perier (deputy mayor of Mimizan), Serge Coureillan (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Marie-Christine Caland (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Thierry Caule (deputy mayor of Mimizan), David Persillon (deputy mayor of Mimizan ), Florence Pouydebasque (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Ivan Alquier (delegated municipal councilor of Mimizan), Josée Bouville (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Corentin Darmanthé (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Dominique Larrère (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Serge Courreyanc (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Monique Bordessoule (municipal councilor of Mimizan), Patrick Cochard Deguet (deputy mayor of Pontenx-les-Forges), Maryange Tellez (deputy mayor of Pontenx-les-Forges), Sylvain Bazas (deputy mayor of mayor of Pontenx-les-Forges), Jean-Marc Billac (deputy mayor of Pontenx-les-Forges), Yann Bouffin (Mayor of Callen), Sylvie Tihos (deputy mayor of Callen), Nathalie Dumont (deputy mayor of Callen), Christophe Denis (municipal councilor of Callen), Nicole Ducout (deputy mayor of Onesse-Laharie), Bertrand Bordessoules (municipal councilor of Onesse-Laharie). Marine Raffini (associative leader), Christian Boutoille (associative leader), Peter Paupardin (representative of FCPE Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Vincent Pechaud (director of the La Smalah association), Antonia Emmanuelli, Laetitia Emmanuelli, Antoine Emmanuelli, Rémi Lataste, Nicolas Guyard (teacher, Fédération Landaise de la Libre-Pensée, Marc Blondel group), Philippe Crosnier, Didier Kahn, Cédric JEAN (director of the Sac de billes association (Café Boissec), Julia Sassi-Czerniejewski (lawyer), Françoise Dartigue, Sabrina Przygoda, Cécile Boulanger, David Laloubère (territorial agent), Florence Deletang (caregiver), Philippe Marsan (materials warehouse manager), Anne Danthez (retired teacher), Isabelle Chedifer (bakery saleswoman), Johan Le Carvenec (employee of factory), Jacky and Odette Marsan, Alex Marsan (territorial agent), Stéphanie Linaire (teacher), Michel Larrezet, Xavier Larrezet (territorial civil service agent), Guillaume Marsan (Commercial), Éva Marsan (Master Labor Law student), Thierry Comet (territorial civil service agent), Guy Constantin, Nicole Lezama, Arlette Bouigue, Aline Maubourguet, Hubert Maubourguet, Didier Fortinon, Denis Nerestan, Yves Lelièvre, Francette Dassie, Pierre Martinez (former president of Amiantés de Gascogne Mimizan), Rosine Martinez ( retired from teaching), Pierre Carrère (retired teacher, former deputy mayor of Mimizan), Isabelle Wackenier-Brustis (parent of student), Marie Hernandez, André Hernandez, Jean-Pierre Roques, Jean-Luc Brustis, Bertrand Duport , David Fleck (employee in industry), Florence Gaulue Thomas (doctor), Michel Saubesty (former school director), Sandrine Larroca (former Mimizan municipal councilor), Thibault Larroca (student), Dominique Absolon, Isabelle Bonniat, Anne Sentuc, Carole Villenave (town hall secretary), Robert Aldecoa, Serge Marson, Yannick Peltier, Philippe Saludas (Territorial Agent), Jean Slostowski, Annie Bartholomeus (general practitioner) Thierry Bartholomeus (retired beekeeper), Pascal Perotti (entrepreneur), Michel Inda, Gilles Daugey (esat manager), Jean-Marc Desbieys, Monique Brustis, Guy Brustis, Régine Martin, Guy Martin, Rachel Dufrechou, Jean-François Dufrechou, Ghislaine Generat (hotel manager), Arnaud Bernadet, Nelly Dufaure , Clément Louis, Leïla Da Silva, Émilie Camy Palou (business manager), Ahmed El Ghazi (textile engineer), Myriem Boutaleb (pharmacist), Bouchaib Dahbia (artisan plumber), Jean Bailly (sales manager), Patricia Bailly (employee sales and care assistant), Christian Fevres, Jacqueline Basset-Salhorgne, Daniel Salhorgne, Jean Dufau, Magali Castets, Maité Negui, Olivier Carbonnière (territorial agent), René Ortega (territorial agent), Renaud Vauthier (territorial agent), Vanessa Masse (territorial agent), Julien Pascouau (territorial agent), Bernard Rouchaléou, Julie Rousseau, Philippe Jacquel, Alain Pellerei, Fabienne Simonet-Bouffin, Bertrand Duport, Françoise Duport, Gérard Saubion, Stéphane Greco, Érik Roulet, Jean-Jacques Leblond, Fabienne Leblond, Dominique Mucci, Patricia Mucci, Laurent Pages (media library director), Évelyne Broustaut (Popular Education activist), Nathalie Camin (public agent), Lucie Taverne (territorial agent), Saïd Acef (territorial agent), Jeanne Hontarrède , Arthur Hontarrède, Claude Saubion (former mayor), Charly Larrère (retired agriculturalist), Rose Semonin (retired agriculturalist), Pierre-Alain Larroca (Mimizan Festival Committee), Philippe Dufranc (former Mimizan municipal councilor), Jean Bourden (honorary mayor ), Chantal Roques (associative volunteer), Annie Dantez-Loubère (territorial agent), Pierre Sarrade (territorial agent and director of Latitude Productions).



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