Mende Volley Lozère becomes MLVB and leaves the professional world

Mende Volley Lozère (MVL) in the final phase, one last

Credit : HG-TOTEM

The MVL is dead. Long live the MLVB! So dead, not quite, or rather not yet, because the commercial court must rule on the 1er July, on a possible (very probable) judicial liquidation. But to prevent the practice of volleyball from being lost in Lozère, the “Mende Lozère Volley-Ball” has just been created.

This is in fact the consequence of the MVL going into liquidation, after 6 seasons at the professional level, that of League B (and qualification for the final stages this season).


The main consequence is the dissolution of the professional team. On the other hand, the other sections, from the youngest to the seniors, will continue. The latter will also start from the regional level, as confirmed for Totem by the new president of the MLVB, Jean Marie Bras.


But the main problem for the MVLB is the financing of the new club, which will be 100% amateur, but which will not benefit from any public funding during its first year.

Regarding equipment, the new club will be able to make savings, since it was sold by the MVL via an agreement to the town hall of Mende, which will make it available to the MLVB.

Finally for the jerseys, Jean-Marie Bras entrusts a change of logon and outfits, but colors, which will remain yellow and blue.



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