NÎMES Already sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his daughter, he receives 2 years for domestic violence

NÎMES Already sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his daughter, he receives 2 years for domestic violence
NÎMES Already sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his daughter, he receives 2 years for domestic violence

His prison situation will not change, he remains in detention at least until 2042…

This father, aged 42, was sentenced first by the Assize Court of Vaucluse, then by the Court of Appeal of Gard last March to life imprisonment accompanied by a security sentence of 22 years old. He will not be released from detention before 2042. Sergio Gil Gonzales was heavily sentenced for having thrown his daughter Sarah, bound hand and foot, into the Rhône in Avignon in July 2020. A terrible news item where this man had looked at his daughter from 11 year old drowning.

A man who left for many years of detention and who appeared this Monday, June 17, 2024, before the Nîmes criminal court, chaired by Édouard Le Jan. The defendant, defended by Master Victoria Morgante, was accused of violence against his partner, Sarah’s mother. Facts that occurred before the little girl’s crime.

The domestic violence prevention period extends from December 2015 to December 2018. On December 10, 2018, the lady filed a complaint at the Villeneuve-lès-Avignon police station, saying she was the victim of habitual violence from the father of her daughter. She denounces in particular a scene where “she was hit with four broken teeth“, summarizes the president of the Nîmes criminal court. ” The acts of violence occurred under the influence of alcohol.underlines in video the defendant who speaks with the help of a Spanish interpreter.

A man, aged 42, who received a new criminal sanction of 2 years in prison, as requested by the public prosecutor.



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