A majority of Swiss opposed to the third sex

A majority of Swiss opposed to the third sex
A majority of Swiss opposed to the third sex

The “3rd option” according to a poster in Germany (archives).


Six out of ten Swiss people are against the inclusion of a third gender in official documents. This opinion is almost the same as a year ago. Rejection is more pronounced among men than among women.

According to a survey published Monday, 43% of women could accept a ‘miscellaneous’ label, as Germany has already done. Among men, this figure drops to 35%, indicates the survey carried out by the Leewas Institute at the request of 20 Minuten and Tamedia. In the population as a whole, the rejection rate is 57% compared to 62% a year ago.

Among the parties, the UDC least appreciates the registration of a third gender (16%). The PS (67%), the Greens (64%) and the PVL (58%) are more open. With 39 and 37% approval, the PLR ​​and the Center are more or less in line with the national average.

The differences between towns and the countryside are hardly marked, according to the Leewas survey. The approval rate in cities is 36%, one point lower than in other regions.

Young people not convinced

Rejection of the third gender is most pronounced among 35-49 year olds (59%), followed by young people aged 18-34 (58%). With 56% refusing, those aged 50-64 are slightly more open.

Academics are also those who welcome the idea most favorably with 52% of favorable opinions. On the other hand, 61% of people who have completed compulsory training, a vocational school or a business school reject the mention ‘miscellaneous’ on identity documents.

12,444 people across Switzerland participated in this online survey from June 6 to 9. The margin of error is 2.2 percentage points.





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