Heat wave for southern Quebec from Tuesday until Friday

Heat wave for southern Quebec from Tuesday until Friday
Heat wave for southern Quebec from Tuesday until Friday

Environment Canada is warning of an intense heat wave that will sweep through the south of the province tomorrow, with temperatures that could rise to 34 degrees Celsius in addition to a humidex value of more than 40.

This heat wave will be produced by a mass of hot air coming from the United States which will rise to Quebec.

“It’s going to be difficult for people to cool off at night since minimum temperatures are expected to be around 20 degrees,” explains Environment Canada meteorologist Kathleen Mayrand. “And since it’s over two or three days, it can have a cumulative effect at the end of the day.”

For the Capitale-Nationale region, the heat should set in tomorrow with maximum temperatures between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius.

The beach on Promenade Samuel-De Champlain, in Quebec, could be very popular in the coming days due to the expected heat wave.


On Wednesday, the mercury will reach 34 degrees Celsius in Quebec and will drop slightly to 32 on Thursday, with a 60% chance of showers at the end of the day.

A part of Bas-Saint-Laurent, particularly Témiscouata, should feel the temperature rise from Wednesday, just like in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.

It will be a little cooler on Friday, “but it will not be the hoped-for respite”, according to Mme Mayrand. It is rather during the night from Friday to Saturday that the mercury could drop below 20 degrees. “It will be possible to open the windows and ventilate,” notes the meteorologist.

It is still too early to know if it will be a heatwave since the mercury is expected to stay above 30 degrees Celsius during the day and 16 degrees at night for three days in a row.

Rushes for air conditioners

The federal agency therefore calls for limiting physically demanding activities in the heat and favoring shaded areas, particularly for construction workers.

In certain areas of the Montreal metropolitan area, consumers rushed to purchase air conditioners or fans to cope with this new heat wave of the season.

In Quebec, some heated outdoor public swimming pools are already in service, but more than twenty are still being prepared for an opening scheduled for Thursday.

Environment Canada is forecasting a very hot summer for the coming months with temperatures well above average.



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