Patrick Leiritz continues at the head of the Haute-Marne District!

Patrick Leiritz continues at the head of the Haute-Marne District!
Patrick Leiritz continues at the head of the Haute-Marne District!

It was in the premises of the Departmental Council, in Chaumont, that the Elective General Assembly of the District of Haute-Marne was held, Friday June 14. A meeting which appointed President Patrick Leiritz to return to the helm of the structure for four additional years.

It was therefore Patrick Leiritz who opened… then closed the debates of the Elective General Assembly of the Haute-Marne District, Friday June 14, in the premises of the Departmental Council in Chaumont. And for good reason… The president of the departmental committee, at the start of the evening, was re-elected for a fifth term at the head of the Haut-Marne structure, with 75% of the votes.

Not really a big surprise for the leader of the “Tomorrow with you” list, the only one committed to these elections, which has been somewhat renewed and which will therefore guide Haut-Marne football for the next four years. “Thank you for your trust and count on me to take your ideas and your voices to the highest level, as I have always done”assured Patrick Leiritz, who wanted to be the spokesperson for rural football, while he also received the highest distinction from the FFF: the “Federation plaquette” for his career of almost 50 years in the service of discipline.

Some promises

An Assembly which had been opened, almost three hours earlier, with a welcome speech from the host of the meeting: the president of the Departmental Committee Nicolas Lacroix. He also took the opportunity to promise continued support for the development of Haut-Marne football, particularly in terms of infrastructure. “Some, like stadiums or gymnasiums, are in a bad state. We plan to invest in the construction of new structures and we will keep our promises. »

Licensees on the rise

A speech which obviously did not fall on deaf ears, delivered in front of the representatives of most of the clubs in the department, representing the now 8,042 licensees gathered during the 2023/2024 season within the District. A record for the association which had not crossed the 8,000 license mark since 1974 (8,234).

Note in these figures, some promising progress, since the rate of young licenses is 60%. That of women and 12.9%, allowing Haut-Marne football to cross the bar of 1,000 members of the “fair sex” for the first time (1,038).

Finally, Haute-Marne displays a penetration rate of 4.9% within the Haut-Marne population, which makes it the highest impact among all the departments of the Grand Est region.


After the approval of the provisional budget, some points of regulation were also modified. Thus the advance of the curtain-raising matches by a quarter of an hour, allowing a slightly greater latency time between two matches, for the good organization of these. The reversal of matches will no longer take place between the return match, but rather on the duel in question. This is to avoid some abuses from clubs which, in winter, asked not to play matches on their ground to preserve them, and thus return to the match scheduled for sunny days.

The Assembly also allowed the District of Haute-Marne to announce the extension of the civic service system put in place for two years within the clubs, and its desire to continue the development of associated practices: futsal, veterans football, football while walking or footgolf.

The meeting therefore ended with speeches from the personalities present and guests, and the presentation of some awards. As well as the presentation of the new Office, within which the emblematic secretary Pierre Roze has notably taken a back seat.

The wheel turns but the ball still rolls…

Laurent Génin

[email protected]

The new Directorate

President : Patrick Leiritz.
General secretary : Valentin Laurent.
Treasurer : Louis Flamérion.
Referee: Eddy Cantonnet.
Educator: Clémence Meuret.
Female: Laure Péchiné.
Doctor : Jean-Joseph Schaeffer.
Members : Catherine Baes, Kévin Bernard, Yannick Dandrelle, Paul-Emile Denis, Annick Geoffroy, Philippe Guillaume, Maxime Kandel, Eric Leseur, Loïc Simonnot and Jacky Thiébaut.

FC Bologna doubles the “Club place of life” competition

Clap of an end on the “Club place of life” system for this 2023/2024 season, and it is once again FC Bologna which has been named regional winner for the Grand Est!
Launched in 2019/2020, the federal “Club place of life” system remains faithful to its vocation: to give clubs the tools necessary to develop their associative project and to implement activities around sporting practice.
This year, more than 400 clubs made up the 2023/2024 promotion of this operation, part of the FFF’s social responsibility strategy. The thirteen regional leagues have delivered their verdict. From
34 clubs represented in the Grand Est, the regional jury designated the Haut-Marne club FC Bologna as regional winner, for the second consecutive season!
The winning clubs are rewarded with a prize on the online purchasing platform “Le Corner”, and are invited to Clairefontaine, on Friday June 28 and Saturday June 29. Two representatives from each winning club will meet there for a friendly moment around the system which advocates the development of all “off-field” actions, which help to boost the clubs’ associative project.



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