investments in businesses and vagueness on subsidies

investments in businesses and vagueness on subsidies
investments in businesses and vagueness on subsidies

The Brenne-Val de Creuse community council met on Thursday June 13, 2024 at the Ruffec association hall, under the chairmanship of Claude Mériot, in a particular political context, where uncertainty predominates. “We are in a reserve period. Everyone is stuck. Meetings are canceled and we have no response to our grant requests. What is the future of the Green Fund? We do not know “, commented the president.

Developed or serviced areas

On the agenda for this last session before the summer period, the vice-presidents in turn presented the 2023 activity report and the various actions carried out in the areas of work, personnel, school affairs, culture, town planning, communication, entertainment and tourism and the economy etc. Among these, operations have enabled the installation of businesses in rehabilitated or built premises: Les Producteurs de Gaya, formerly Gamm Vert (Cost €806,500, subsidized at 55%); the development of the AB Bâtisseurs professional workshop in Ciron (cost €828,000, subsidized at 46%); the rehabilitation of the Bénavent Carp’Brenne hatchery (in progress, estimated cost of €322,000, 50% subsidized).

Furthermore, a call for tenders concerning the development on the Groges wasteland of 2,750 m² of additional premises will be launched soon, not counting the extension or development of the activity zones of the communes of Douadic, Pouligny-Saint- Pierre, Tournon-Saint-Martin, or even the Daubourgs roundabout…

Towards an increase in the tourist tax

Among the other points discussed, Dominique Hervo proposes increasing the tourist tax to €2 per night for establishments classified as “palace” and raising the ceiling to €2 instead of €1.50 for non-classified establishments. Furthermore, the offices of the Blancois tourist office will be “revamped”.

The modification of the PLUi and the SCoT was also discussed (photovoltaic park fences are not permitted in the current version of the PLUi), the construction of the new crèche in Le Blanc near the current one and the future of the vacant premises after moving. “We are not very interested », indicated Gilles Lherpinière, mayor of Blanc. An opinion shared by Claude Mériot who describes an important and landlocked building.



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