Finances and biodiversity on the menu of the Aubagne municipal council this Tuesday evening

Finances and biodiversity on the menu of the Aubagne municipal council this Tuesday evening
Finances and biodiversity on the menu of the Aubagne municipal council this Tuesday evening

In the middle of the express campaign of these surprise legislative elections, what if we returned to a little local politics? The last municipal council before the school holidays is being held this Tuesday, June 25 from 6 p.m. at the Espace des libertés, with no less than 56 deliberations on the program.

A busy agenda, therefore, while most of the elected officials present, from the majority as well as from the opposition, are launched in a lightning electoral campaign, before the vote in the first round on Sunday June 30. Consequence: a certain number of deliberations could well serve as a political platform…

Vote on the 2024 supplementary budget

Among the points on the agenda, pride of place is given to finances, since the allocation of the results of the 2023 financial year for the main budget is planned, as well as the approval of the 2024 supplementary budget.

As a reminder, the overall envelope for the municipality was voted on last December, and the finance official was keen to clarify: “This is the first time that the City’s budget has exceeded 100 million euros“. And the part devoted to investments had known “an increase of 12% compared to 2023“.



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