a Spanish manufacturer denies an order – La Nouvelle Tribune

a Spanish manufacturer denies an order – La Nouvelle Tribune
a Spanish manufacturer denies an order – La Nouvelle Tribune

THE Maghreb currently finds itself at the heart of a notable intensification of the arms race between the Morocco And Algeria. This phenomenon, observable for several decades, testifies to a deep rivalry between these two countries which is manifested by a constant strengthening of their land and air military capabilities. This dynamic of regional competition, while exacerbating tensions, also reflects the strategic aspirations of each nation to assert its influence in North Africa.

Recently, rumors have circulated regarding a possible order of submarines by the Morocco near Navantia, a renowned Spanish shipbuilder. These allegations were formally denied by a Navantia spokesperson, interviewed by the Spanish media Confidencial Digital. The denial contradicted information broadcast by La Tribune, which suggested that Morocco was considering the acquisition of submarines and had consulted several industrialists, including ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems in GermanyNavantia in Spainand the Naval Group in France.

It should be noted that Morocco has clearly expressed its interest in strengthening its naval capabilities since 2019. Indeed, the kingdom has already acquired several frigates and expressed the desire to acquire submarines, underlining its ambition to become a power predominant military force in the region. Algeria is not to be outdone, possessing at least several submarines.

This naval competition between neighbors is not without consequences. The strengthening of the submarine fleets of these countries could significantly modify the balance of forces in strategic areas such as the Strait of Gibraltarthere Western Mediterranean, and even around the Canary Islands. Such a change could not only increase regional tensions but also influence the dynamics of international maritime security.

While Morocco and Algeria continue to engage in an arms race, Navantia’s clarification of the situation provides a moment of respite in this climate of intense speculation. However, the long-term impact of these developments remains an open question, with potential repercussions for regional stability and balances of power in the region.



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