In Châteauroux, Andritz, international specialist in wastewater treatment

In Châteauroux, Andritz, international specialist in wastewater treatment
In Châteauroux, Andritz, international specialist in wastewater treatment

It is in Châteauroux that the Andritz brand centrifuges are designed, which are used throughout the world, particularly for the treatment of wastewater. Andritz SAS employs 180 people, 120 of whom work on the Châteauroux site. in the Buxerioux industrial zone next to the Gaston Petit stadium. “All the grey matter is based here in Châteauroux and the equipment is then manufactured in an entity in China which is an Andritz manufacturing centre to keep the know-how within our company.“, specifies Benjamin Guret, its general director.

An example of centrifugal decanters designed by the research and development office of Antritz SAS.
Andritz SAS

The purpose of this equipment, which is found in particular in wastewater treatment plants, is to separate the solid from the liquid by centrifugation. The research and development department is constantly innovating, naturally becoming more and more digital. It is also in Châteauroux that machine maintenance which have been sold with solutions that will extend their lifespan.

Some models of centrifuges are also used in the food industry to produce olive oil but also soy or oat milk and very recently insect meal.

Half a century of history

The design and manufacture of centrifuges began in Châteauroux in 1973. At the time, Paul Guinard, who was at the head of Pompes Guinard, decided to create two entities: Pompes Guinard (today KSB) and Guinard centrifugation which was bought in 2003 by the Andritz group. In recent years, the market has seen strong growth. Andritz SAS sells a third of these machines in Europe, a third in America and the last third in Asia. Since 1973, 25,000 machines have been sold worldwide. In 2023, Andritz SAS achieved a turnover of 65 million euros.

Five positions are currently available : two project managers, a design office engineer and two field positions to test the latest prototypes.



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