Batch. Morgan Keane, killed by a hunter: a lawyer denounces the indifference of insurance companies

Batch. Morgan Keane, killed by a hunter: a lawyer denounces the indifference of insurance companies
Batch. Morgan Keane, killed by a hunter: a lawyer denounces the indifference of insurance companies


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 8:10 a.m.

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On December 2, 2020, Morgan Keane found the died, aged 25at his home Calvignac in the Lot valleyin his garden, from a gunshot fired during a beaten, by a hunter who thought they saw a wild boar moving…

This Wednesday, June 12, 2024, more than three and a half years after the events, Me Sara Herent of the Bordeaux bar

came to plead at the Cahors courthouse, the cause of the compensation that the Insurance companies are called upon to pay to Morgan Keane’s brother and his close entourage.

Indifference from insurance companies?

“We are stunned by the attitude of the insurance companies, to the extent that decency would have wanted a common ground to be found to compensate Morgan Keane’s brother, rather than returning to fight in court,” declared Me Sara Herent. The lawyer denounces a lack of consideration for this 25-year-old boy, who died from a hunter’s gunshot, while he was collecting wood to heat his house. The trial of the hunter-shooter and the hunt director, which took place on November 17, 2022 before the Cahors criminal court, highlighted a string of anomalies and dysfunctions, throughout this hunting party organized by the Diane Cajarcoise in agreement with the Saint-Hubert de Calvignac association.

“Rather than taking into account this drama which sees the victim’s brother find himself alone, after having lost his father and his mother in quick succession, then his brother in these tragic circumstances of a hunting trip, we have the feeling of dealing with insurance companies, seeking to reduce the expected compensation as much as possible, knowing that no amount will restore the life of Morgan Keane,” continues Me Herent. The lawyer enumerates the list of damages, affection, suffering endured, anxiety of imminent death… so many quantified items for the magistrate who will decide on the amount. It recalls the emotion that this death caused, even on a national level, once again highlighting hunting parties organized lightly even though each participant finds themselves with a lethal weapon in their hands.

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“So that Morgan Keane didn’t die for nothing!” »

“A crazy hunt! » such was in fact the qualifier used by President Philippe Clarissou, during the hearing in November 2022, reviewing the sum of negligence which led to the death of the young man.

41% of French people report, for themselves or their loved ones, having felt a feeling of insecurity when approaching a hunting area. As for the drop in the number of hunting accidents recorded in recent years, the lawyer points out, on the other hand, an increase in the number of victims who are not hunters. Such is the case of Morgan Keane, who went about his business in an area devoid of hunting rights.

“We would have appreciated a proactive approach from insurance companies who would have taken the lead and sought to do what was necessary so that this death was not trivialized; “so that Morgan Keane didn’t die for nothing! ” chants Me Herent. The lawyer insists on the disaster that this brutal death caused for Morgan’s brother and for those around him.

“Once again, this death has left its mark on people’s minds and even on the Government, which has taken measures aimed at improving safety in hunting, even if there is still much to do! » continues Me Herent. She asks that this momentum and this awareness not wane.

At the start of the hearing this June, the president of the Lot Hunting Federation recognized once again that this accident should not have happened. However, the lawyer insists, the words remain a dead letter. “I came to say that it is not possible to be satisfied with occasional speeches; “things must move, the immense pain caused by this hunting trip must be taken into account, for Morgan’s brother who finds himself very alone and for the friendly entourage distraught by this tragic death” ends the lawyer, awaiting reparative compensation. The judgment will be rendered in early August.

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