Our Haut-Marnais have talent. Pascale Pommeret, one thing leading to another

Our Haut-Marnais have talent. Pascale Pommeret, one thing leading to another
Our Haut-Marnais have talent. Pascale Pommeret, one thing leading to another

Small villages often harbor surprising talents. Meeting with Pascale Pommeret, a MOF, Best Worker in France, with magical hands! Direction Heuilley-le-Grand

In Heuilley-le-Grand, nothing suggests that just a stone’s throw from the town hall there is a small workshop from which wonders frequently come out. Past a fitting room with multiple mirrors, it is upstairs, under the roof structure, that Pascale Pommeret, Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF) has set up her workshop. One of those places that exudes tranquility, research, the smell of fabrics… A place in which the designer moves with grace, moving happily from the work table to one of the sewing machines, from a standing mannequin to a newly made embroidery.

Find Haute-Marne

If Pascale decided to put down her scissors in Heuilley-le-Grand, it is not the result of chance. “Parisian by birth, after classical schooling, I completed seven years of study in the fashion professions, creation and measurement sectors, haute couture, workshop management, pattern maker… Then, after several years working in France and in India, I decided to settle in my grandmother’s village, in Heuilley-le-Grand”, summarizes Pascale. But before returning closer to her roots, the designer completed a long professional journey.

Indeed, she remembers taking over, for several years, a ready-to-wear workshop in Lyon, where she learned a lot from the know-how of her predecessor.

“I make straight skirts to wedding dresses, including coats and historical clothing…”

Then, his return to Paris to create costumes for musical comedies, the Opera, the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld… A journey which allowed him, among other things, to open a boutique in the capital and to be awarded, in 2000 in Lyon, the title of MOF for the creation of a frock coat. 2007, following the creation of silk and precious stone bathing dresses for the Monaco Yacht Show, with fitting in India […]

Discover Pascale Pommeret’s incredible journey in our June 14 edition, on newsstands or in our online store.



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