A first national meeting for the future of young people from rural areas was held in Foix

A first national meeting for the future of young people from rural areas was held in Foix
A first national meeting for the future of young people from rural areas was held in Foix

the essential
The first national youth conference in rural areas was held for three days at the Ariège University Center in Foix. Nearly 250 participants gathered there.

15-30 year olds in rural areas face many obstacles: distances to travel, difficult access to services, dispersion of activities and inequalities… However, many local initiatives are emerging, demonstrating the dynamism and capacity to commitment of young people to the development of their territory.

On Wednesday, the first national youth conference in rural areas opened in Foix. The opportunity for rich and varied exchanges between institutions, associations and young people from these territories. After an opening evening, Thursday and Friday were punctuated by 32 workshops for sharing and co-construction of proposals, as well as stands, events and discussions around initiatives mainly led by young people. This made it possible to address eight major themes such as mobility and social and professional integration.

Young people had a central place in the construction of these foundations. Indeed, the workshops began with the presentation of some of their initiatives in different departments. An evening has also been specially reserved for them on the evening of June 13.

These first National Youth Conferences in rural areas are the result of a working group started in 2019 by the Youth and Sports services of the departments of Dordogne, Lot and Ariège, in collaboration with teacher-researchers from two laboratories , and supported by DRAJES Occitanie.

Anthoni Suau, 29 years old, intern in the youth field and member of the Organizing Committee, talks about his involvement in these days: “After resuming studies in youth work, I had an internship opportunity during of these Assizes. The objective is to understand how to transform our territories and support young people’s projects. The world and its changes begin at the base, in society. We must create spaces for discussion so that everyone can express themselves and contribute to this collective transformation. »

Didier Richaud, educator and coordinator of the Maison des Ados, accompanied by Jean-David Bigué, director of Info Jeune 09, came to share their experience: “The Maison des Ados is a unit of the hospital, offering a place of listening and support. Our goal is to work with young people as early as possible to intervene quickly in possible problems. Helping young people is our watchword. These days aim to transmit our knowledge and increase the visibility of our actions. »



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