Deadly ultra-trail in Savoie: runners from Abbeville were at the start

Deadly ultra-trail in Savoie: runners from Abbeville were at the start
Deadly ultra-trail in Savoie: runners from Abbeville were at the start

Lhe world of running is in mourning. During the night of Friday June 14 to Saturday June 15, 2024, a serious accident took place on the Haut-Giffre ultra-trail route, in Haute-Savoie. Agence France Presse (AFP) indicates that a runner born in 1972 has died. Three other participants were injured, two seriously.

A group of runners from the Dream run club in Abbeville made the trip to participate in the ultra-trail. Among them, two took the start of the 127 km given at 7 p.m., Friday evening.

The choice to stop in the face of dangers

The terrain was very slippery and muddy, the descents really very difficult. It’s even more dangerous at night, says Jonathan Coquet, registered for the 127 km. But for a mountain trail, we know what to expect, especially since we are not novices. »

There was a rapid deterioration in conditions, I chose to stop at the 24th kilometer. I had already had too many falls

Jonathan Coquetrunner of the Abbeville Dream run, entered in the 127 km

Despite the experience accumulated during previous events, including participation in the Haut-Giffre trail a few years ago, the Dream run runner preferred to give up on his own. “ There was a rapid deterioration in conditions, I chose to stop at 24e kilometer before starting a climb. I had already had too many falls », says Jonathan Coquet.

The other Abbeville participant stopped his race at 40e kilometer, when the organizers decided to interrupt it following the terrible accident.

“Torrential” rains

Due to climatic conditions – “ there was torrential rain », observes the Picards group – the organizers have decided not to take any risks and to cancel the shorter events which were to start in the morning, this Saturday.

The dramatic event of the night left its mark: “ When we learn that there has been a death, it inevitably affects, testifies Jérôme Leconte, president of the Abbeville club. This could have happened to any of us. Despite the passion, we put our personal lives first. »

Before their scheduled departure on Monday, the group of Abbeville runners plans to go for a short jog in a secure area.



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