The tractor trailer ends up below the bridge… News items in Haute-Loire in brief

The tractor trailer ends up below the bridge… News items in Haute-Loire in brief
The tractor trailer ends up below the bridge… News items in Haute-Loire in brief

Saint-Haon: A spectacular tractor accident

Thursday morning, at the northern entrance to the village of Saint-Haon, immediately after the bridge over the Saint-Haon stream, a farmer from the village lost control of his tractor. The trailer loaded with silage grass became detached and tilted below the bridge, while the tractor hit a tree at the side of the road. The driver was slightly concussed. A brake problem appears to be the cause of the accident.

Lempdes-sur-Allagnon: Intoxicated by smoke

Firefighters took care of two teenagers aged 15 and 16 while they responded to a fire in a garage on rue de la Tourette in Lempdes-sur-Allagnon. The events occurred on Wednesday shortly before 3 p.m. and, according to initial information, although a switch and a cable were damaged, the disaster was quickly brought under control. However, the two victims, suffering from slight smoke intoxication, had to be evacuated to the Brioude hospital center.

Saint-Julien-Chapteuil: The elementary school evacuated

A gas leak was reported at the public elementary school on Tuesday around 11:20 a.m. The odor apparently came from the kitchens. To take no risks, 140 children were evacuated from the establishment. The 70 children who had to eat in the canteen were installed in the multipurpose room of Saint-Julien-Chapteuil. The GRDF services and the Puy firefighters carried out a search for a leak, without result. The gas was cut off until it was restarted by a heating engineer. The school was able to reopen in the afternoon.

Saint-Hostien: The car ends up on the roof

An accident involving a young driver took place on Tuesday, around 10:15 a.m., on the RN 88, near the village of Cellier. After swerving, the victim pulled the wheel to straighten his trajectory and found himself on gravel. This was followed by a loss of control which ended in a rollover. When help arrived, the driver was able to escape from the vehicle under his own power. He was not injured. His blood alcohol test was negative.

Saint-Pierre-Eynac: A minor road trip

Firefighters responded on Tuesday, around 5:20 p.m., to a traffic accident. A young driver had just lost control of his Peugeot 206, on the RN 88 not far from the Lachamp roundabout. Unharmed, he was left there by emergency services. The blood alcohol test was negative.

Le Puy-en-Velay: Municipal police officers insulted

Last Friday, early in the afternoon, the municipal police officers of Le Puy requested help from the police station. The agents of the City of Le Puy were being insulted by a 60-year-old man. This individual was consuming alcohol on Place des Halles. He was taken into custody. He will have to appear before the prosecutor’s delegate next November for a criminal charge.



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