Essonne: after the chaotic launch of the T12 Tram, users will be compensated… but not immediately

Essonne: after the chaotic launch of the T12 Tram, users will be compensated… but not immediately
Essonne: after the chaotic launch of the T12 Tram, users will be compensated… but not immediately


Thibaut Faussabry

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 4:20 p.m.

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After months of suffering from breakdowns of hardware, delays and malfunctionsTHE users (Navigo pass holders) of the T12 tram, which since last December has linked the Massy Palaiseau station to that of Évry-Courcouronnes (Essonne), will be able to be compensated. And for this reason, the punctuality of the line was less than 80% for at least three months, not reaching the contractual objective of 92% for the first half of 2024.

Compensation will take place in the first quarter of 2025

“Users of T12, in the same way as users of other Transilien lines, will be able to be compensated during the next campaign, which will take place in the first quarter of 2025, in terms that remain to be defined,” indicates Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM).

A delay far too long for the elected representatives of the communist, environmentalist and citizen left of the Île-de-France Region who in a press release demand immediate compensation users and affirm that they will raise this subject at the next IDFM board of directors on June 18.

In addition to the compensation campaign, Aurélien Peroumal and Patricia Jollant Stella, elected to the Viry-Châtillon municipal council, are also asking the transport organizing authority in the region to reduction in the price of a single ticket for non-subscriberswhile waiting for the situation on the line to improve.

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Two elected officials request a temporary reduction in the price of single tickets

“These users are not not affected by the compensation campaign while they suffer the same dysfunctions as users holding the Navigo pass,” says Aurélien Péroumal.

Like the Transilien lines and the T4, T11 and T13 tram-trains, non-subscriber travelers of the T12 must use Origin – Destination tickets and not Ticket + tickets, which are cheaper, as is the case with other Ile-de-France tram lines.

For a Massy-Évry journey, you have to pay 4.70 euros for a single ticket compared to 2.15 euros for the classic t+ ticket.

“The T12 is part of a mode of transport which is closer to rail transport than to a bus. It is tram-trains which run partly on lines of the rail network just like the RER and the Transiliens”, justifies IDFM which does not envisage an adaptation of the pricing for tickets sold individually.

Departures every 10 minutes during peak hours during the week

These journeys remain expensive, all the more so if the traveler has to take the bus to get to a T12 tram station, believes Patricia Jollant Stella who, like Aurélien Péroumal, regrets that Valérie Pécresse (president of IDFM and the Region) refuses to meet them to discuss this subject, notably for agenda reasons.

The organizing authority for Ile-de-France transport ensures that SNCF Transilien Voyageurs and its subsidiary Transkeo (shared with Kéolis) committed to respecting the nominal offer weekdays from June 3 with departures every 10 minutes during morning and evening rush hours as well as every 15 minutes during off-peak hours.

However, breakdowns and malfunctions still persist on the line. For her part, Valérie Pécresse demanded from SNCF Transilien Voyageurs that the entire ordered service be implemented no later than the start of the 2024 school year.

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