Successful summer park events

Successful summer park events
Successful summer park events

If the weather conditions did not get the better of the Estivales du parc, Saturday morning, the torrential rains almost ruined everything.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, the clearing forced visitors to go out to enjoy the activities. They welcomed around 300 participants.

The youth municipal council workshops, sports meetings and dog demonstrations were a great success. As well as the theater show with around sixty spectators and the Free Son concert with a lot of people.

Activities for the whole family

On Sunday, during the day, 400 visitors visited Henri-Coullaud Park where many activities were still offered. The mixed freestyle basketball, freestyle football and breakdance show brought together nearly 150 people. The young people were also able to learn a few steps of each discipline, in a festive atmosphere.

Like every year, the inflatable structures were full of children, as well as the media library stand which offered wooden games and a reading corner under the trees. Furthermore, around twenty people attended the opening of the photo walk, financed by the town hall and organized in collaboration with the Dionysian Culture and Animation Association Maurice Genevoix and the Club Image Abbatienne, before meeting around the glass of the friendship. Finally, the giant snack with ice cream, popcorn, lollipops and drinks brought together 150 children. A very positive outcome!



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