Abolition of dual nationality: RN spokesperson Sébastien Chenu defends the measure then backpedals

Abolition of dual nationality: RN spokesperson Sébastien Chenu defends the measure then backpedals
Abolition of dual nationality: RN spokesperson Sébastien Chenu defends the measure then backpedals

Less than three weeks before the early legislative elections called by Emmanuel Macron, Sébastien Chenu does not seem up to date on the program of the National Rally (RN).

Invited this Thursday on Cyril Hanouna’s set, on C8, the vice-president of the RN and vice-president of the National Assembly affirmed that once it comes to power, the frontist party will abolish dual nationality for all French people concerned , with the exception of dual European nationals.

“You have one nationality and it says a lot about who you are and what you are attached to. We cannot be French for certain things and Uruguayan for others,” he defended in the TPMP show.

“Mea Culpa”

A few hours later, the far-right elected official returned to this statement about X. “Mea culpa. Marine Le Pen has renounced this measure and does not intend to return to it! At least, it’s clear. Error corrected,” we read in the post from this RN executive.

This measure, considered a strong marker of the National Front and defended in Marine Le Pen’s 2017 presidential program, was ultimately abandoned by the party leader during the 2022 presidential election.

In the middle of the campaign for the legislative elections, this misstep by the vice-president of the party did not escape the Macronist camp. “Marine Le Pen changes her mind so much that even poor Chenu no longer knows where he lives. He defends for 10 minutes a measure that she disowned a few months ago,” quipped Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti on X.

“The RN is lying to you! RN: One day, a ReNiement,” criticized the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.



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