KNDS France will present a Leclerc tank equipped with the ASCALON cannon at the EuroSatory exhibition

KNDS France will present a Leclerc tank equipped with the ASCALON cannon at the EuroSatory exhibition
KNDS France will present a Leclerc tank equipped with the ASCALON cannon at the EuroSatory exhibition

The Military Programming Law [LPM] 2024-30 plans to provide the Army with 160 “renovated” Leclerc tanks [ou standard XLR] by 2030, with this number expected to increase to 200 in 2035. Subsequently, they will be replaced by the Main Land Combat System [MGCS – Main Ground Combat System]a project carried out in cooperation with Germany.

The modernization of Leclerc tanks is part of the SCORPION program [Synergie du contact renforcée par la polyvalence et l’infovalorisation]. It aims to provide them with the means necessary for collaborative combat. [Système d’information du combat SCORPION, radio CONTACT]to improve their protection [sans, toutefois, aller jusqu’à les doter d’un système de protection active] and their fire control. There is also talk of adding a remotely operated 7.62 mm cupola, a PASEO viewfinder and new optronic sensors.

Is this modernization enough to make the Leclerc last until the arrival of the MGCS? The Chief of Staff of the Army [CEMAT], General Pierre Schill, believes it. “My short-term objective is therefore to extend the Leclerc until 2040 or 2045” because “I believe that it is possible to do so by modernizing them, in particular by digitizing the turret, modifying the viewfinder and perpetuating the engine,” he declared during a parliamentary hearing in May 2023.

However, not everyone shares this analysis. Replying to a written question asked by the Member [LR] Philippe Gosselin on the E-MBT tank [Enhanced Main Battle Tank] proposed by KNDS, the Ministry of the Armed Forces estimated that this solution should be “considered”, even if priority went to the modernization of the Leclerc.

Earlier, during the examination of the LPM 2024-30 project, senators had defended an amendment relating to a “Leclerc Mk3 tank demonstrator”, the idea being to go further than the envisaged modernization. The reference to a “Leclerc Mk3” does not appear in the final version of the text. On the other hand, it specifies that “the renovation and perpetuation work on the Leclerc tank will be supplemented by work on a tank demonstrator, within the more global framework of the land combat system of the future”.

The fact remains that, for the CEO of KNDS France, Nicolas Chamussy, an “intermediate” solution will be necessary, “in one way or another”, to succeed the Leclerc tank. “Solution which is becoming necessary little by little, due to the Ukrainian context and the arrival of tanks with new capabilities,” he told the deputies of the Defense Committee on May 4, 2023.

Since then, KNDS France has worked on the Leclerc Evolution, a new version of the Army tank which will be presented at the next edition of the EuroSatory air-land arms show.

« The Leclerc Evolution […] is equipped with a manned turret armed with a 120 mm ASCALON cannon but which can easily be adapted to higher calibers up to 140 mm,” KNDS France indicated, via a press release published on June 13.

In the running for the MGCS project, ASCALON [pour Autoloaded and SCALable Outperforming guN] uses telescoped ammunition, stored in a self-loading turret. This system recently reached “new stages”, following tests which validated the possibility of “replacing any 120 mm or 140 mm tube on the same mount in less than an hour” .

In its current version, Leclerc is implemented by a team of three men [chef de char, pilote, opérateur en tourelle]. The Leclerc Evolution concept provides for one more member, who will act as deputy leader.

“Introducing a new concept with four crew members
which is adapted to the latest tactical developments, the Leclerc Evolution integrates an assistant tank commander station installed in the chassis to manage a vast suite of sensors and effectors,” explains KNDS France.

Furthermore, while KNDS Deustchland will present the Leopard 2A-RC 3.0, likely also to be an “interim solution” while waiting for the MGCS, the latest evolution of the E-BMT will be presented. According to KNDS France, this is based on the integration of the ASCALON Demonstrator Turret ADT 140, i.e. a remotely operated turret
equipped with a 140 mm ASCALON cannon.

Photo: Leclerc shot – Archive – KNDS France



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