200 people demonstrate against the far right in Alençon


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 10:05 a.m.

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Since Monday June 10, 2024, the day after the Head of State’s announcement to dissolve the National Assembly in the face of the result of the National Rally for Europeans, thousands of people mobilize against the extreme right in the big cities of France.

This is now the case in smaller towns like Alençon (Orne). On Wednesday June 12, 2024, in the early evening, some 200 hundred people joined an improvised protest movement against the far right, in front of the Orne Prefecture.

Demonstration against the far right in Alençon, Wednesday June 12, 2024 with associations like Orn’en ciel ©L’Orne Hebdo

The classics and the new

Among the demonstrators, trade unionists FSU, CGT, Sud Solidaires, and flags policiesLFI, NPA, and, more recently, feminist movements or LGBT like “Orn’en ciel”, a gay and lesbian association in Orne.

With the slogans of “No respite for sexists, anti-fascist action” or “Youth piss off the National Front”, the procession was animated by a larger proportion than usual of young people and women.

Among them Léa, 20 years old, testifies that “the physique, the smile of Bardella is there”, from what she hears, “for a lot in his success”. But the young woman says she prefers: “people who have real values, feminists, anti-racists, anti-capitalists”.

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Laurine, a young social worker in Perseigne, is there because “what the RN wants to put in place is not conceivable, it is in total opposition to what I do on a daily basis”.

Demonstration against the far right in Alençon, Wednesday June 12, 2024, among trade unionists, Eric Hallouard, FSU ©L’Orne Hebdo


“The objective of this first mobilization is to lay the foundations for the next demonstration, Saturday June 15,” explains Eric Hallouard, Secretary General Unitary Trade Union Federation (FSU) of Orne. “We cannot leave people alone at home with their disappointment. We must fight against the elected representatives of the extreme right who are false friends of workers, employees and civil servants. Beyond their xenophobia, when we observe their votes in the assembly, we see that they are friends of the bosses. We must explain to people who have problems that the RN is not the solution. »

Demonstration against the far right in Alençon, Wednesday June 12, 2024 Chantal Jourdan and Maxence Sebert
Demonstration against the far right in Alençon, Wednesday June 12, 2024. MP Chantal Jourdan and her deputy, Maxence Sebert. ©L’Orne Hebdo

And politics

Discreet among the demonstrators, Chantal Jourdan, outgoing MP from the Socialists and Allies group, is less so at our microphone: “I am here because I consider that the extreme right represents a major danger for France. It is crucial to raise awareness about what the far right is today. This is not a criticism of all far-right voters, because many vote this way out of protest or because of social suffering. Many people are struggling to make it through the months, impacted by job insecurity, inflation and stagnant wages, while wealth is not fairly distributed.

The far right offers false solutions to social problems and does not respond to the challenges of ecological transition. In addition, it conveys racism, and the stigmatization of foreigners harms our society. Historically, France has been a place of diversity and welcome. Withdrawal leads to the degradation of our country and the world.

It is essential to mobilize against the far right, authoritarianism and sectarianism. We must defend individual and collective freedoms, particularly those of women. This is not just an election campaign for me, it is a commitment deeply rooted in my values ​​and my actions. I have always supported associations which welcome exiled people and promote ecology. My political fight is the continuity of these commitments. Next Saturday, I will join the movement again. »

First demonstration, not the last

The movement against the extreme right announces a new gathering Saturday June 15. Departure from the prefecture gates at 11 a.m.

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