“The far right in power is not a moral discomfort but a real fear, life or death” – Libération

“The far right in power is not a moral discomfort but a real fear, life or death” – Libération
“The far right in power is not a moral discomfort but a real fear, life or death” – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024dossier

The filmmaker recounts the “inner dissolution” that seized her on June 9, the fear and anger that followed, and calls for facing “the rampant racism” in French society. While mobilizing to encourage residents of working-class neighborhoods to vote in the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

It starts with a voice message. “Hello, it’s Alice Diop, I haven’t been well since the elections. And I’m not the only one. Many of us are afraid. I would like to tell you about a collective that has just been created to encourage residents of working-class neighborhoods to vote.” A discussion begins remotely. It lasted for days. The filmmaker, awarded at the Venice Film Festival for Saint-Omer, is caught in a whirlwind. Everything mixes: anger, fear, hope, revolt. It’s going in all directions. The early legislative elections are fast approaching, on June 30 and July 7. The possible success of the National Rally disrupts his days, his nights and his life. Alice Diop has lost her bearings. How to find them?

The 45-year-old filmmaker launched a collective four days after the dissolution announced by the President of the Republic. The name is simple: “We vote”. Friends, artists and cultural figures. A small group and a goal: to mobilize young people from working-class neighborhoods who watch the



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