The Torchamp outdoor center is expanding to improve reception

The Torchamp outdoor center is expanding to improve reception
The Torchamp outdoor center is expanding to improve reception


Nathalie Guérin

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 5:40 p.m.

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Rehabilitation work on two stone buildings located on the site of the Torchamp nature center (Orne) began in April 2024.

Thursday afternoon, June 6, a meeting took place in the presence of Sylvain Jarry, president of the community of communes Andaine-Pasais, Didier Launaymayor and companies involved, to take stock of the progress of the project planned to last one year.

The new structure will make it possible to have everything on the same site to avoid travel and secure users, a real public reception, with accessibility for people with reduced mobility, showers, toilets.

Romain Langlin, center manager
Site meeting with Sylvain Jarry, president of the Andaine-Passais community of communes, ©Le Pubateur Libre

One year of construction

In the first building, a reception office and changing rooms will be set up for the groups hosted. A wooden frame construction is also planned which will serve as a kayak room and a large courtyard to protect the equipment and shelter the groups in winter. Access to the river has also been decided with the provision of a pier for kayak departures.

€695,553 of work

The cost of the work is estimated at €695,553 (labor and works), with the financial participation of the State (DETR) of 25% and Green Fund 17.37%; from the Region, 20%; of the Department, 12.76% and of the Andaine-Passais CC, 21.06%.

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