Finding an apprenticeship: “persistence is the key”

Finding an apprenticeship: “persistence is the key”
Finding an apprenticeship: “persistence is the key”

Finding an apprenticeship after the CO: “Persistence is the key”

Jennifer Weil – Office for guidance, professional and continuing training (OFPC) Geneva

Published today at 5:05 a.m.

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Talking about yourself when you are still questioning your identity, managing refusals when you are more vulnerable to strong emotions: in the heart of adolescence, look for an apprenticeship is about the abrupt transition to the adult world.

“I didn’t expect it to be this difficult!” At 15 years old, Kristian Kouzmanov takes a lucid and mature look at his experience. Student of 11e year at the Foron Orientation Cycle in Thônex, he has just won his precious dual training contract. Between hopes, disillusions and opportunities, he was able to count on the decisive support of his Go-Apprentissage advisor, Dorith Détry.

Learning mission

Launched in 2016 in four pilot establishments, the Go-Learning service is now deployed in the 19 orientation cycles in the canton of Geneva. It intends to stimulate professional training and enable students whose project is to find an apprenticeship place in a company.

The mission is entrusted to placement and coaching specialists integrated into the school environment. And it’s not an easy task: “The young people I receive are very enthusiastic, but the procedures are complex and selective. I help them understand the requirements of employers in the profession they have chosen and support them in all stages of the recruitment process, from the completion of the application file to simulating interviews and sending emails,” explains Dorith Détry.

The art of bouncing

Determined, Kristian calls on Dorith Détry in 10e year already. A good student, he is aiming for a position as an apprentice commercial employee in a bank. Unfortunately, its design clashes with the reality of a particularly demanding sector. “I applied everywhere, but the few responses I received were negative. I thought I had exhausted all my options.”

More is needed to discourage the young athlete. Drilled by his Go-Apprentissage advisor, he broadens his horizons and strengthens his application file with an orientation internship in a fiduciary.

Finally, real estate opened its doors to him. “By doing files and going through interviews, I knew what was expected of me. You have to talk about your qualities, but also show your interest in the company.” Kristian is finally selected by a real estate agency after an internship against six other candidates.

Also thanks to parents

“I had to miss basketball practices and make up classes to secure my applications. I even pulled up my grades. My efforts ended up paying off, it’s a great lesson,” reacts the future apprentice.

“Persistence is the key to success. Monitoring Go-Apprentissage and supporting parents help maintain motivation,” comments Dorith Détry.

Of Bulgarian origin and professor at the University of Geneva, Kalin Kouzmanov did not know what his son was getting into. But he supported him kindly. “It was hard to see Kristian disappointed despite his investment, but his mother and I knew he was in good hands and we really saw him grow. He amazed us.”

A quarter of 11 year old studentse year use Go-Learning. “The results are encouraging. Our collaborative work with guidance counselor psychologists, teaching staff and professional circles must continue,” insists Dorith Détry.

“Encourage businesses to train apprentices”

Three questions for Karin Petitdemange Niederhauser, director of the Professional Training Department at the OFPC.

How to promote dual learning from the end of compulsory education?

We wish to promote professional training and make students, parents and teachers better aware of the immense requirements and potential of the different sectors. On the other hand, the number of apprenticeship places must further increase each year in order to give young people a chance to realize their project.

What are the OFPC’s actions for young people from CO looking for an apprenticeship place?

Go-Apprentissage is a coaching service offered to students in the Orientation Cycle within the establishments themselves. Let us also cite the live recruitmentsome sessions of which are dedicated solely to young people from the CO. The newspaper “Le Génie des métiers” is also a source of inspiration and information for parents and young people.

And to convince companies to train more?

The OFPC and professional associations carry out significant prospecting and support work to encourage companies to train apprentices and facilitate their procedures. In 2023, 10% additional contracts have been signed and efforts are continuing in this direction. Let us also remember that training companies have an advantage within the framework of public procurement awards.

Office for guidance, professional and continuing training (OFPC) Geneva


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