Tenants demonstrate in front of their homes to make themselves heard

On Wednesday morning, tenants brandished signs reading, among other things, “Age at home without fear of losing your roof,” “Taking tenants hostage is immoral” and “No to wild speculation.”

According to Suzanne Gibeault, a tenant met on site, the Laval real estate developer, Immeubles Galleon, acquired five buildings located in the same area of ​​Fortin Boulevard in Granby in mid-February.

Since April, owner Henry Zavriyev has delegated David Mimmoun and Avi Elkesslassy to knock on tenants’ doors with a view to obtaining a termination of the lease due to renovation work.

Free months and financial compensation

“It’s been three times that David and Avi have come to our house to offer to terminate the lease in exchange for three months of free rent and an envelope of $2,000,” said Ms. Gibeault, in an interview with The Voice of the East. Work lasting seven to ten months would be required in their accommodation.

Afterwards, their rent for their size 4 and a half accommodation will skyrocket from $642 including heating to $1200. The couple consider themselves victims of an aberration by the owner, especially since their home does not seem to require major renovations.

At first glance, the accommodation occupied by Suzanne Gibeault and her partner does not seem to require major renovations. (Jean-Luc Lorry / La Voix de l’Est)

This same situation concerns around sixty tenants who live in apartments on Boulevard Fortin, all belonging to Mr. Zavriyev. Of these, there are 25 people who agreed to terminate their lease.

To support them, members of the Quebec Association for the Defense of the Rights of Seniors, Retirees and Pre-retirees of Granby (AQDR) and the spokesperson for Québec solidaire in matters of housing and habitation organized a press briefing during this picketing operation.

“The commodification and financialization of housing is sneaky and insidious. We found a lawyer who has experience in housing. But there are costs for its services,” indicated Madeleine Lepage, president of the AQDR Granby.

“Do these homes really need major repairs and renovations? This is absolutely not justified by the owner,” she added.

Madeleine Lepage, president of the AQDR Granby. (Catherine Trudeau/La Voix de l’Est)

According to the AQDR, there would be a possibility for the tenant to reverse his decision by filing a request with the Administrative Housing Tribunal (TAL) to cancel the termination because it was signed under duress.

Scandalous according to Québec solidaire

“It’s scandalous what’s happening here. I salute the tenants who are mobilizing. It’s speculation at the expense of tenants,” reacted Andrés Fontecilla from Québec Solitaire.

He undertakes to intervene with the Minister responsible for Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau.

Andrés Fontecilla, spokesperson for housing and housing for Québec solidaire.

Andrés Fontecilla, spokesperson for housing and housing for Québec solidaire. (Catherine Trudeau/La Voix de l’Est)

“It is the responsibility of the Minister of Housing to ensure that the TAL raises awareness of tenants’ rights. Housing is not a commodity, it is above all a right. It is the right to housing that counts,” insisted Mr. Fontecilla, MP for Laurier-Dorion.

Since last April Louise Patenaude, aged 79, has received seven visits from the owner’s two representatives.

“He wants to have all the tenants sign a lease termination. I don’t want to sign. It’s harassment. The owner’s argument is to make renovations,” Ms. Patenaude told us.

Louise Patenaude has lived in her home located on Fortin Boulevard in Granby for 22 years.

Louise Patenaude has lived in her home located on Fortin Boulevard in Granby for 22 years. (Catherine Trudeau/La Voix de l’Est)

Currently, Ms. Patenaude’s rent is $583 per month for a 4 and a half unit located on the third floor.

“I am not a paying tenant for the landlord. I will know the amount of my rent increase only after the renovations. He can’t oust me, but he can make life difficult for us. It’s certain,” she fears in this story.

Louise Patenaude has lived in her home on Boulevard Fortin for 22 years now. If she agreed to terminate her lease, she would then have to leave her accommodation by September 15.



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