Morocco far ahead of France

Morocco far ahead of France
Morocco far ahead of France

The index, which measures the level of peace across three key areas – security, internal and international conflicts, and militarization – places Morocco in an average position globally. It is worth noting that the three most peaceful countries in the world for the third year in a row are Iceland, Ireland and Austria, while the United States ranks 132nd, losing two places compared to 2023, then that France ranks 86th in the world.

Within the Arab world, Morocco stands out by positioning itself 6th, behind Kuwait (25th in the world), Qatar (29th) and Oman (37th). The United Arab Emirates, for their part, moved up 31 places to rank 53rd.

Read: Morocco is the most peaceful and safest country in North Africa

Other Arab countries have also experienced progress, such as Tunisia which rose to 73rd place, while Algeria ranks 90th. Libya, on the other hand, fell 9 places to reach 128th position.

Yemen, in the grip of a civil war for a decade, ranks for the first time at the bottom of the Arab and world list, in 163rd place, just after Sudan.

Ukraine, in the grip of a major armed conflict, accounts for more than half of these deaths, with 83,000 dead. In Palestine, it is estimated that at least 33,000 people have been killed since the start of the year.



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