Georges-Louis Bouchez on Nicolas Martin’s mayoral “leave”: “a mayor cannot waive his remuneration, so it’s a lie!”

Georges-Louis Bouchez on Nicolas Martin’s mayoral “leave”: “a mayor cannot waive his remuneration, so it’s a lie!”
Georges-Louis Bouchez on Nicolas Martin’s mayoral “leave”: “a mayor cannot waive his remuneration, so it’s a lie!”

”Based on the principle that I will not combine the functions of mayor and deputy, I have chosen to use a slow period in the City (from mid-July to the municipal elections) to experience the essential period which will take place in the next few weeks in parliament”he explained, still insisting on the fact that this “leave” in the city would be “unpaid.”

“This leave will also allow me to lead a campaign worthy of the name, which I was unable to do during the regionals, due to my workload and the Ducasse”, he added again. A decision which was understood and welcomed by many residents of Mont but also criticized by others. Starting with Georges-Louis Bouchez, leader of the Mons opposition.

For the latter, Nicolas Martin’s statements are false. “His words are surreal. To say that he is going to take unpaid leave is a lie because a mayor cannot waive his remuneration. This is simply impossible! Others have already tried before him but legally, this is not planned.”

The day after the regional elections, Nicolas Martin considered requesting an exemption to accumulate

And to add: “What a signal sent to the Montois! A few months before the next elections, he prefers to no longer worry about what is happening in his city. If tomorrow there are floods, a serious fire, major management events, it will not turn around. His electoral campaign therefore obviously interests him more than what his fellow citizens may experience.”

The Liberal highlights yet another element. “Nicolas Martin talks about taking leave from the city, which will allow him to campaign. I didn’t know that being a parliamentarian was synonymous with leave. Taking advantage of the position to campaign seems completely inappropriate to me because he will take advantage of the means and public structures to carry it out.”

For Georges-Louis Bouchez, Nicolas Martin’s situation is explained, in part, by the internal rules of the Socialist Party which does not authorize the accumulation of functions. “This gives rise to an unspeakable quibble. Today, we find ourselves with a mayor who circumvents the rules of his party by taking this temporary leave, announcing that he is giving up his remuneration when that is not possible.”

Mayoral candidate in Mons, Nicolas Martin will also be campaigning for the regional elections: “If a choice must be made, the city will have priority”

President of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez further specifies that being mayor of a large city, like Mons, this must be a full-time position. On the other hand, given their responsibilities, it would be normal for them to receive parliamentary remuneration. It would be a healthier system and it would encourage the true decumulation advocated by the PS.”A questioning is planned at the next Mons municipal council and with the Walloon government once it is installed.

Contacted, Nicolas Martin has not yet responded to our calls at the time of writing these lines. One thing is certain, however: a few months before the elections, tension risks increasing between the two men.



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