Hanged men of Tulle, exceptional commemorations in a particular context

Hanged men of Tulle, exceptional commemorations in a particular context
Hanged men of Tulle, exceptional commemorations in a particular context

Apart from François Hollande, never has a current president of the Fifth Republic traveled to Tulle to honor the memory of the 99 hanged, and 149 deported, of June 9, 1944. Emmanuel Macron did so this Monday morning, an expected recognition , in a particular context: that of the victory of the extreme right in the European elections, and while waiting for future legislative elections, which greatly disturb the families of the martyrs.

As always, there were a lot of people at the Haut-Lieu de Cueille, to honor the memory of the 99 hanged, and 149 deported from Tulle; victims of Nazi barbarity, June 9, 1944.

But for once or almost, there was one more person, with a more than striking presence: the President of the Republic.

After François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron is only the second current president of the Fifth Republic to attend these commemorations. All the more symbolic as it was 80 years. His presence relieved the Corréziens, first and foremost the families of the martyrs, who had long had the impression of being in “the shadow of Oradour”.

It’s a truly exceptional day. The families of the martyrs have long had the impression of being a little forgotten. The memory of the martyrs was somewhat erased by the media coverage of Oradour. And today, that the President of the Republic is traveling, it is an honor for us.

Danielle Delord

Little sister of a hanged man from Tulle

It is a tribute, an honor that he pays to our hostages, to our victims. And for me, that he comes on the same day as in Oradour, that puts Tulle and Oradour-sur-Glane on the same footing. Finally ! If I may say so!

Roland Gonieau

President of the Tulle Martyrs Committee

A presence that Emmanuel Macron’s predecessor, François Hollande, also on site as often, welcomed. He noted this connection, finally recognized, between the martyr cities: “That he comes before going to Oradour creates precisely this coherence, because if there have been these dramas throughout these days, it is because they began before Tulle, occurred in Tulle at a completely unbearable level and continued to Oradour and much further“.

This presence of Emmanuel Macron was all the more significant as it took place the day after the European elections, which saw the far right win in France (and come first in Tulle with nearly 26.69% of the votes). voice), and the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Here, on this very important day, but in this very particular context, the situation is worrying.

After the commemorations, Emmanuel Macron went to meet the families of the victims, and some of the members took the opportunity to talk to him about the event. Like this grandson of a hanged man, who wanted to congratulate the president for the words he used on Sunday evening, to avoid seeing a repeat of what happened 80 years ago.

To see the rise of the far right, I am personally very sad, very disturbed by this. And I am certainly not the only one here today, especially after what we have experienced, in our region, in this city.

Jeanine Picard

Daughter of a deportee who died in deportation

It is important that the president is there, and that there are German officials (read officials) who are there. That is the most important. Let the connections be made, so that nothing happens again.

Gilles Chavant

Member of the Committee of Martyrs of Tulle

It is obviously a recognition of the national character, but perhaps it makes us feel less alone. Perhaps also a reminder for some forgetful minds, or a little light-hearted, or superficial… Minds for whom violence is normal.

Alain Catté

Member of the Committee of Martyrs of Tulle



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