Face to face between Trudeau and Legault on Monday

Face to face between Trudeau and Legault on Monday
Face to face between Trudeau and Legault on Monday

The prime ministers of Canada and Quebec must spend an hour together in a room at the Château Frontenac.

Since their previous meeting on March 15, and well before, Mr. Legault has regularly complained about the surplus of temporary immigrants that the federal government has been letting into Quebec for several years.

Currently, Mr. Legault repeats that 560,000 temporary immigrants are on Quebec soil, of which some 180,000 are asylum seekers.

Friday, during his assessment of the parliamentary session, Mr. Legault insisted on Mr. Trudeau’s “obligation of result”.

The Premier of Quebec broadly highlights the need for Ottawa to turn off the tap or, at least, significantly reduce the flow.

Because our public services can no longer withstand this additional pressure, argues Mr. Legault again and again.

The Quebec government is also demanding $1 billion from Ottawa to reimburse the expenses incurred to welcome temporary immigrants.

Mr. Trudeau would arrive in Quebec with a proposal for increased funding, but probably not a check for 1 billion.

To indicate that no official agreement is expected in the coming hours, Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Legault both plan to speak to journalists after leaving the meeting, around 4 p.m., but separately.




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