The truth about the family bond between Meïssa Faye and President Diomaye Faye

The truth about the family bond between Meïssa Faye and President Diomaye Faye
The truth about the family bond between Meïssa Faye and President Diomaye Faye

Journalist Aissatou Diop Sall filed a complaint for fraud against Meïssa Faye, IT director of the TFM channel. Several media outlets initially reported that Meïssa Faye was the brother of the current president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye. However, new information was revealed by journalist Georges Nesta Diop, shedding light on a different reality.

According to Georges Nesta Diop, “The man targeted is neither brother nor cousin of the President of the Republic. The accused is certainly from Ndiaganiao and bears the name Faye. » He stressed the need to avoid shortcuts in this matter. “Diomaye’s family is not happy. And if it persists… there you go,” added Georges Nesta Diop, emphasizing the dissatisfaction of the presidential family with these false allegations.

The case took a media turn when contradictory rumors circulated, claiming that President Bassirou Diomaye Faye had hired Maître Moussa Sarr to defend Meïssa Faye. However, reliable sources say otherwise.

The case dates back to the time when Meïssa Faye was summoned for this fraud case involving journalist Aissatou Diop Sall, former collaborator of TFM. After being referred to the public prosecutor’s office, Aissatou Diop Sall accepted Meïssa Faye’s request for mediation, who reimbursed the entire amount in question. Cheikh Bara Ndiaye, in the presence of lawyer Moussa Sarr, confirmed that President Diomaye Faye had not intervened to defend Meïssa Faye.

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