Electric vehicles for the town hall of Fleury-d’Aude

Electric vehicles for the town hall of Fleury-d’Aude
Electric vehicles for the town hall of Fleury-d’Aude

The last municipal council was held at the Hangar in Fleury-d’Aude. Several subjects were discussed and the first point mainly concerned the request for subsidies for development work in the municipality, which targets public lighting on avenue du stadium in Fleury, the repair of the port of Cabanes-de-Fleury and the development of the seafront in Saint-Pierre la Mer.

By obtaining these subsidies, the town hall can honor its promise not to increase taxes although this work is carried out.

It was also decided that the municipality will provide the head of technical services and the municipal police with electric vehicles, which will replace their current vehicles, in order to be consistent with its commitment to sustainable consumption.

In order to implement a plan to develop the uses of digital technology in schools, a partnership agreement with the Montpellier academy will be signed, for the provision of a digital work environment (ENT-School).

It was also agreed that a memorandum of understanding between Habitat Audois and the municipality will be signed to allow the creation of social rental housing in an already existing building.

Concerning the entertainment of the summer season, a partnership agreement between the municipalities of Narbonne and Fleury-d’Aude regarding the fireworks of July 14 and August 16 will be signed, and the price of the license fee temporary occupation of the public domain was established for the installation of the Ferris wheel on the Place de Saint-Pierre-la-Mer.

Deputies and municipal councilors were awarded an exceptional purchasing power bonus. For his part, Mayor André-Luc Montagnier reiterated his refusal to receive any official compensation.



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