“A three-way fight in Brest was not desirable, but we will adapt,” reacts G. Dissaux.

“A three-way fight in Brest was not desirable, but we will adapt,” reacts G. Dissaux.
“A three-way fight in Brest was not desirable, but we will adapt,” reacts G. Dissaux.

In Brest centre, the NFP candidate, Pierre-Yves Cadalen, is in the lead, with 35.28% of the vote. But the second round will be a three-way race, against the National Rally, and Jean-Charles Larsonneur, outgoing MP for various centres, who narrowly qualified.

Read also : In Brest-centre, Cadalen flies through the first round, but nothing is decided

“It’s going to be tight in any case”

“This scenario of a triangular was not desirable but we will adapt, reacts, Monday 1is July, the Brest ecologist elected official Glen Dissaux. It’s going to be tight in any case, but we knew that. In central Brest, things have not changed much: we find a fairly high left-ecological bloc, and a Macronist or similar bloc which achieves roughly the same thing. » And to remember “that with a few hundred votes, we could have had a very different configuration.”

Would another political party than La France Insoumise – Pierre-Yves Cadalen’s party – have been more appropriate in this constituency? If he emphasizes “a lack of finesse at the Breton level in the choice of candidates”, it’s not “not necessarily the case in Brest centre, where we still have a candidate who is returning for the 3e times, with a certain legitimacy and knowledge of the field. »

“In rural Brest, it’s a hard blow”

A goal, now: “That all left-wing partners, political parties, unions, activists, mobilize and call very clearly to vote for the NFP, to allow a social and ecological left-wing alternative for Brest center.”

If all hopes seem justified in this constituency, the situation was different in rural Brest, “with a well-established Macronist MP and an electoral sociology that is more complicated outside of Brest. Despite everything, to see the RN so high, and ahead of the NFP candidate (qualified, but withdrew, Editor’s note), “It’s a hard blow.”



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