Essonne: he harasses and sexually assaults his nephew’s girlfriend

Essonne: he harasses and sexually assaults his nephew’s girlfriend
Essonne: he harasses and sexually assaults his nephew’s girlfriend


Coline Bonvalot

Published on

June 1, 2024 at 7:46 a.m.

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“I didn’t have the impression to have inappropriate gestures. And I do not see any sexual intention in the fact of touching the breasts or the buttocks,” asserts the defendant at the bar of the Évry-Courcouronnes criminal court. This Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the latter appears for having sexually harassed and assaulted his nephew’s girlfriend for 4 years, and the latter’s best friend during a birthday. Facts for which the accused, aged 50, was sentenced to 6 months in prison.

“These are things I will not forget”

” You are good ? », “It will be better when I have made love to you”, “Do you want to see my little pink piece? », hands on the buttocks, pinching of the nipples associated with a cult phrase of Unknown : “Says truck, squeak, squeak”… This is what Marine* suffered for four years, at every family meal, while being in a relationship with the defendant’s nephew.

“I have a memory, and these are things that I will not forget. It made the whole gallery laugh, but I don’t find it funny. And Mister doesn’t even understand the harm it can do » , laments Marine.

But She’s not the only one to have suffered the inappropriate remarks of the accused. On October 31, 2021, in Ballancourt-sur-Essonne, Marine celebrated her birthday with her family and friends, including Sabrina*. Throughout the evening, the latter was “prey” to the accused who allegedly told her several times: “you’re good”. The defendant also allegedly touched his buttocks on numerous occasions.

“We have to stop taking ourselves for fools. Monsieur minimizes the facts and exonerates himself from many things. He is not aware what it means to harass someone,” protests the Public Prosecutor, who is demanding a sentence of 14 months’ imprisonment, accompanied by a probationary suspension of two years.

Finally sentenced to 6 months in prison, the defendant is also prohibited from having contact with the victims. He will have to pay the sum of 1,500 euros to Marine.

*First names have been changed.

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